Chapter 14

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I walk to the Curtis house in a hurry. I just saw a mustang around the corner. Once they get closer, I start running through lawns so they can't get me. After a while, I lose them. I walk into the Curtis house still catching my breath. The only ones home are Ponyboy & Johnny. I decide to say something so they don't ask questions.

"Your queen is here!" I say raising my hands in the air.

"Hey Chris." Says Johnny.

"Hey. So, what is the agenda for today?" I ask plopping down next to Pony & Johnny on the floor.

"I'm not sure, but Soda told me he wanted to talk to you." Pony explains. Confusion crosses over me. What does Soda want to talk to talk to me about? We really don't hang out anymore. He's usually with Sandy nowadays. Now it's just TwoBit, Dally & I.

"Cool, where is he?" I ask trying to be cool.

"He's at work right now. You wanna go? We really have nothing better to do." Pony suggests.

"Sure, why not." I say. We talk over to the DX. I feel jumpy so I ask them if they want a piggyback rife.

"Christina, I'm 14. I don't do 'piggyback rides'." He says jokingly. I start laughing.

"Fine, the how about a challenge?" I ask raising my eyebrows. He & Johnny look at me confused.

"You give both me & Johnny a piggyback ride at once. If you do it, I'll give you $10." I offer. He considers this, bitting the inside of his cheek.

"Deal." He says shaking my hand.

"I'll give you $10 too Johnny." I say.

"Alright." He says laughing.

Johnny gets on my back & Pony gets down on the porch. Johnny holds on to a gate that's behind us to steady himself. I jump on Ponys back & he starts running immediately.

We are just outside the DX, so he just goes in. Johnny opens the door, which was a mistake. When he opened the door, we lost our balance & all fell. They all somehow manage to land on me, how does that work?!

We all just lie on the ground laughing insanely. I almost forget we're at the DX. Soda & Steve come up to us. Soda pulls both Johnny & Pony off me & Steve helps me up.

"Thanks guys." I say in between laughs.

"What were you clowns thinking?" Steve asks.

"Chris bet Pony that he couldn't carry all of us." Johnny explains still laughing a little.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me; where's my money?" Pony asks. Him & Johnny pull out their hands waiting for the money I owe them.

"Ugh." I let out. I reach into purse & pull out $20 bucks & hand it to them.

"So Soda, Pony said you wanted to talk to me." I say nervously.

"Yeah, I did actually." Soda says jumping a little. "Steve, can you take my shift?" Steve nods & we walk out.

Well, he walks out, I skip out. What? I'm still really jumpy. He just let's out a small chuckle.

"So, umm. How ya been?" He asks awkwardly as we're walking, no where in particular.

"Ugh! Don't be awkward you know I hate that." I say laughing.

"Haha right, I guess I forgotten."

"Yeah well when you haven't talk to someone in forever, that tens to happen." I state a little too defensively.

"Right, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." He says sitting on a bench. I sit too.

I just stare at him, waiting for what he has to say.

"I'm sorry that I've been with Sandy too much instead of with you." He says.

This honestly surprises me.

"You don't have to apologize." I mention looking at the sky.

"But I do." We sit in silence for awhile after that.

"Say something." He says sounding inpatient.

I'm just going to tell him how I feel about all of this. "I just find it ridiculous how you're letting a girl effect your other relationships." I say. I may be nice, but I'm also honest.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He says defensively.

"Come on Soda, you barely hang with the gang anymore! I'm with Dallas but I don't let it effect my relationship with the gang. You are! You're too blinded to see that!" I practically scream.

"What about you huh? Dally isn't the same anymore, you've changed him from the Dally we know!" He says. I think about this. Am I really changing Dallas?

"Dallas has nothing to do with this." I point out avoiding eye contact.

He lets out a quick breath. "If I've known that we would just end up arguing, I wouldn't have brought ya here to talk." He says looking that the rode.

Okay, well that hurt. "You asked for my option on all this, so that's what you got." I say gently, not looking at him.

After a couple minutes of uncomfortable silence, I speak up. Deciding to be the bigger person.

"I'm sorry." That gets him to look at me.

"I guess I just really, really miss you." I say looking him in the eyes.

He smiles a little. "Let's do something about that then. How about me & you hang out later, just me & you." He suggests.

"I'd love that." I say smiling. He leans in & we hug. This hug seems familiar. We pull apart & walk back to the DX.

• • • •

I meet up with Soda at the park.

We just start catching up on things.

"Soda, I'm really sorry about what I said back there." I say trying to be serious.

"No, Christina...." He voice trails off.

We sit in silence for a while. That tends to be happening a lot now between us.

We just end up playing a game & then he walks me home. Well, halfway home. By the time we go our separate ways, I start to walk home alone.

"Hey, you!" A voice says. I turn around & see Sandy.

Hope you guys enjoyed!💙✌️
~Quote of the day~

"Sometimes I think I'm crazy because I see things differently than everyone else."

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