The sanction.

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The rest of the party was cancelled. 911 was called, and everybody ran off. They called it a night.


The next few days were very busy. Everyone who had attended the party got called to the assembly hall, and the new headmistress spoke to us. It wasn't a good first impression.

She had one-on-one interviews with each of us, trying to figure out who started the party in the first place.

She threatened that whoever had broke in to school property, after hours, would be punished with a sanction. 


" settle down please." Miss Queller spoke as the room went silent. We all got invited back to the hall, for another meeting about the pool party.
"Yesterday, I talked about the serious consequences for your action, and obviously you didn't believe me.
But, someone came forward today, and claimed their responsibility."

Lots of questioning faces looked around the room.

"Do you know who?" Serena asked me.

"For a crime he did not commit." The headmistress added.

Nate sat next to Chuck, with his eyes full of guilt.

"And although I appreciate his self-sacrifice. I don't abide dishonesty, and I think it's time you all know how serious I am."

I looked at the floor, with thoughts trying to puzzle who sacrificed himself.

"Nathaniel Archibald," Miss Queller spoke. My face dropped.
All eyes looked at the innocent boy at the back of the hall, " is suspended from St. Jude's. And yes, this will go on his transcript. Effective immediately. Mr Archibald? You know where to find the exit."

He picked up his belongings, and exited the hall.

"Who wants to be next? Until one of you comes forward; we will keep going, until every last one of you had walked out that door."  She threatened.

Me and Serena looked at each other in sync, with sorrow and guilt in our eyes. Poor Nate. As much as it's a love-hate moment... I do feel sorry for him.

This just in: Nate Archibald, dead man walking.

We hear St Jude's has a new policy. An eye for a lie.


"Nate!" I caught Nate up, after class.

"Hey." He stopped.

"Are you okay?" I exhaled the cold air, as I looked at him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. It's, uh.. my parents have so much other stuff going on right now. They'll get over it. Either way, it was worth it."

"Worth it?" I questioned.

"Yes, Ella, I know how much your future means to you. You've worked so hard for Yale-... and everything..."

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't have to lie. I saw the key in your bedroom."

I sighed, "ugh. The key isn't mine. I was just hiding it for someone else. Wait. That's why you were suspended?"
It all made sense now. He didn't do it to defend whoever took the key. He got suspended because he lied, and thought that I took the key in the first place.
"You told the headmistress it was yours because you thought it was mine?"  I stopped. "That's the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for me."

"I love you." Nate admitted.

It was like Deja Vu all over again.

"Please, you and I just can't happen right now.."

"Why not?" His little smile on his face dropped.

"I don't wanna be with you." I swallowed.

"Good catching up." He scoffed and walked away.

Fuck sake. What did I do... I messed up. Really, really badly.


After lots of attempts of trying to get Nate to forgive me for what I said earlier, I persuaded him to come over, so I could talk. (Took lots of tries though..)

"You're probably wondering why I asked you here.." I looked over at Nate, who was stood at the opposite side of my bedroom.

"After our last conversation,yeah."

"Do you think it's possible for two people who have been through as much as we have to really..forgive and forget?" I asked.

"If we really want to, I think we can." He nodded.

"A lot of mistakes have been made." My tone got quieter.

"If you're ready to forgive me, then nothing can tear us apart. I promise." A smile spread across both of our faces.

"What you said before.." I walked closer to him, "I love you too." His smile got even bigger. "Always have, always will."


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