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"Miss Ella." Dorota repeated, as she disturbed me from my sleep.

I took my emerald-green sleeping mask from covering my eyes, and looked directly at Dorota, who was opening my curtains.

"What's happening?" I sighed.

"You had a bad dream and you're sleeping with your chocolates." She pointed out.

"Oh, Lady Godiva. My only friend." I hugged my chocolates as I slurred.

"Club bed is over," Dorota kept nudging my arm, "First day back at school."

"I can't Dorota!! I don't feel very well-.." I lied, as I pulled the covers back over me.

"Serena come to get you soon."

"Call her, and cancel!! And cover my mirrors."  I ordered, as I closed my eyes, slowly falling back to sleep, "I'm in mourning for my former life."


"At least you get to wake up from your nightmare! I'm living with mine." Serena laughed, as we both walked down the street, heading to school, "thank god I have plans with Dan tonight. Finally the return of some normalcy!!"

I stopped outside the gates, as I could already feel eyes on me.

"E, what are you doing?" My sister asked.

" giving homeschooling some serious consideration." I sighed.

Serena grabbed my arm, with Blair on the other side, "Look, I know you think everybody's still talking about you, but your three-week-old scandal is ancient news. Did you even hear the dirt that happened over break?"

"Who would I have heard it from? Dorota?"

"Well, after much-concerted effort, Mya finally made it into Brodie Jenner's cell phone. Ugh." We all let out a chuckle, "oh, and Connie's dad moved her entire family back to England. And, Constance's Bad-girl-turned-good Serena Van Der Woodsen, moved in with Chuck Bass."

"So, you're thinking this whole thing could have blown over by now?" I asked, as S held out her hand for my sunglasses.

I removed my sunglasses, and Blair took my Hair accessory off of my head, "and that too!!"

We all walked into the school grounds, and I already had received Dirty looks from almost everyone I saw.

We all walked up the stairs, as I felt something drop into my hair.

I let out a little 'ah', and nearly tripped up the stairs.

The audience laughed, and i could feel my cheeks burning of embarrassment.

No no this isn't happening.


The French Revolution had cake.

The American Revolution had tea.

But looks like the overthrow of Ella Waldorf, well... who said you need a silver spoon to dole out just desserts?


It was a few hours after the disaster had happened, and the 3 of us were all sat on the met steps.

"I know this is hard, but you can't let them beat you. You're Ella Waldorf, remember?" She helped comfort me, as I sat with a hot chocolate in my hand, about to take a sip, "right."

"Right! These are my steps, and I'm not going to relinquish them without a fight, though, it would be helpful if maybe there was one more person in our crowd." I scanned around the area.

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