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"Come on mama, please. I haven't seen Roselie in a looong time!" Aurora pouted, dramatically placing the back of her hand to her forehead while her head thrown back.  "Please please please pleaaaaase."

She had been asking to visit Rosalie because she hasn't seen her in a long time, so long to the point that she can't even eat just by thinking about it, in Rory's words. Elara discreetly rolled her eyes at her daughter's dramatics, clearly distinguishing that her daughter inherited it from Sirius. "I told you darling, Rosalie is busy right now. She can't even pick up her dam- I mean, phone."

Aurora groaned, throwing a tantrum while stomping her feet. "But I just want to visit her, not call! You're being stupid mama!"

Elara widened her eyes at the audacity of her daughter and felt like having a headache at how Rory was acting, it was as if her head was splitting into two. She shook her and let out a sigh, second guessing her move to be away from Mrs. Weasley, who at some point gave her enough wisdom in dealing with children.

The thing she can't deal with though, was dealing with a child that's so used to getting what she wants. Elara blamed herself for spoiling her daughter so much, but in her defense, she was just trying to make up for her own childhood. Having no mother herself made her apprehensive of being one, but she tried her best everyday. Having no guidance wasn't really effective enough that she raised her own child to behave like her good ol' cousin Draco, when he didn't get what he wanted.

Elara shuddered at the thought of the younger Draco, clearly not liking the idea of her daughter acting like her spoiled cousin. She put a stern face she could muster, not backing down, having to schooled her face not to show any guilt because of how hard she was trying to be on Rory. "No means no, Aurora Nymphadora. Now if you don't go upstairs and think of how you're being mean to me right now, you'll be grounded for a whole week without chocolates." She sternly muttered, pointing upstairs towards Rory's room.

The little girl's eyes misted with tears while she looked up to her mom, her lips trembled as a little whimper let out of her mouth. The thought of having no chocolates and Teddy hogging all of it broke her heart so she dashed towards her room without another word, her steps purposefully heavy to the point that their house shook along with her every steps. She closed her door with a bang, making Elara pinch her nose, exasperatedly.

Aurora, clearly not done with her act, decided on a new tactic. Hiccups echoed inside her room while she packed her backpack, her stuffed animal and one change of clothing. Stomping her feet, she got out of her room and trudged down the stairs while yelling again. "If you won't take me to see her, I'll run away," her eyes misting with tears while looking straight to her mother's eyes, clearly daring her mother to stop her.

"Be my guest." Elara murmured while rolling her eyes, daring her daughter to do what she wants. She massage her forehead because of how stress she was but gave up her stance eventually and let out a deep sigh when her daughter was close to going out of the door. Just before Aurora could step outside, her mom sped over, barricading the door with one hand and looking down at the little girl with a raised eyebrow, her mouth quirking up in amusement and barely concealed exasperation. "If you can get pass me, you can go."

Aurora huffed before looking up at her mama with a pout. Her bottom lip trembling as if she was going to cry, but Elara knew better, and she wouldn't give in this time. Rolling her eyes, Elara pointed upstairs again. "Go to your room, now. I won't say it again, Aurora."

With Elara's tone of finality, Aurora let out a loud cry, her figure blurred as she dash towards her room, feeling dejected. She felt betrayed by her own mother. All she wanted was to see Rosalie again, she felt as though if the blonde wasn't with them and with her, she would leave them and her mama would be alone again. She's just starting to fill the void of having just one parent figure but with Rosalie being away from them, the more insecure she gets that maybe, Rosalie was just there temporarily. By clinging to her more, maybe then Rosalie won't have a choice but to stay with them so she have to do what it takes to cling to her more. With that thought in mind, she purposely stood in front of the window, looking outside with determination written on her face.

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