66 - second chances under the stars 🍋💗

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ship: katsuki bakugo + eijiro kirishima.

In the aftermath of a successful mission, the atmosphere in the common room of U.A. High was electric. Students laughed, shared stories of heroics, and celebrated their teamwork — a tight-knit family of budding heroes. Among them, Katsuki Bakugo sat with his usual intensity, his fiery gaze scanning the room but ultimately fixating on one person: Eijiro Kirishima.

Kirishima's bright smile lit up the dimly lit space. As he recounted a particularly ridiculous incident from their mission, laughter filled the air, but Bakugo felt a warmth that was both familiar and unsettling.

Before they knew it, drinks flowed freely, each hero feeding off the energy of victory. As the night wore on, both Bakugo and Kirishima found themselves more than tipsy, the last remnants of their mission adrenaline wearing off under the haze of alcohol.

"Another round!" Kirishima exclaimed, raising his glass, his cheeks flushed with colour. Bakugo couldn't help but roll his eyes, but he found himself laughing.

"Bastard, you're lucky I didn't let you drown on that last mission," Bakugo teased, nudging his shoulder against Kirishima's.

But there was an underlying tension they both chose to ignore. They had a history — a night long ago that blurred the lines between friendship and something deeper. But they pretended it was nothing, safe in their routine of playful banter and companionship. At least, until that night.

As the evening continued, the room filled with remnants of laughter and drunken whispers. Eventually, they stumbled into a quieter space, away from the eyes of their friends. Their inhibitions slipped away just as easily as the alcohol flowed, and in the shadows, under the stars, they found themselves leaning against each other, sharing confessions and laughter.

One thing led to another as Kirishima's hand brushed against Bakugo's, igniting that long-dormant spark. It happened again — a passionate kiss that spoke volumes, quickly escalating into something far more intimate than either of them had planned.

─── ・🤍🤍。゚☆: *.☽ .* :🤍🤍. ───

Morning came with a painful brightness, the sunlight streaming through the curtains like a spotlight on their tangled forms. Bakugo's head throbbed, and he groaned, burying his face into the pillow. Kirishima stirred beside him, his vibrant red hair a messy halo against the stark white sheets.

"Ugh, what the fuck happened last night? I feel like shit." Bakugo muttered, the fog of sleep and regret slowly lifting.

Kirishima's eyes widened as memories crashed over him like a tidal wave. "Oh man, we did it again!" He sat up too quickly, and a wave of dizziness washed over him, reinforcing the throbbing in his skull.

Bakugo glanced over, his crimson eyes sharp. "We didn't just drink! We—"

"Shh!" Kirishima interrupted, panic flaring through him. "We just... let's just forget about it, alright? Today is a new day... let's pretend it didn't happen!"

Bakugo's expression turned serious. "Forget it? You think I'm gonna just forget that? I'm not some fucking coward who runs away from this!"

The tension in the room shifted, simmering beneath the surface. Kirishima's heart raced. "Bakugo, come on. We have a good thing going, and we've left that in the past. We can't let this mess up our friendship!"

Bakugo's eyes blazed with a mixture of frustration and something softer, something deeper. "Friendship? Is that all this is to you? Because that night... it felt like more."

Kirishima paused, swallowing hard. The vulnerability in Bakugo's gaze pierced through his heart. "It did. It felt like more, but... I thought it was just a fluke."

"A fluke? You think I'd just kiss you like that, then have sex with you and walk away like it was nothing? Kirishima, you mean more to me than just practice drills and patting each other on the back after we do good on a mission!"

The silence that followed felt monumental. Kirishima stared at Bakugo, searching for understanding. "What are you saying?"

Bakugo took a breath, steeling himself. "I'm saying I'm sick of pretending and running away from this. I like you, Eijiro. I have for a long time."

Kirishima's heart soared, a smile breaking through the haze of their sorrow. "You do?"

"Of course I fuckin' do." Bakugo replied, voice steady. "You're the only one who can handle my explosions, and... I don't want to hide it anymore."

Kirishima's hands clenched the sheets, feeling heat rise to his cheeks. "Me too... I never wanted to make it weird. You're important to me, Bakugo. I want to feel that again, not just when we're drunk."

Bakugo smirked, a rare flicker of light in his eyes. "Then maybe we should stop pretending and give this a real shot—without the alcohol for a change."

Kirishima nodded, his bright smile breaking through. "Yeah. Just... no more forgetting."

As they exchanged shy glances and hesitant smiles, the power of their feelings began to eclipse the morning's chaos. They were heroes, after all — and now, they were also something more.

In that quiet, sunlit room, together again, they chose to embrace the chaos and beauty of their connection, letting the past lead them into a brighter future.

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