14- It feels like you disappeared, liar

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"I know one place where Riki could be but-"

"What are we waiting for, come on" i cutted him off right away by running up to his car. I opened the door and hopped inside on the passenger seat.

I couldn't help but spot Sunghoon's annoyed glance while rolling his eyes. I could tell he was mad at the fact that i only cared about Riki and didn't ask anything about him.

The only thing i could think of was Riki and i didn't had space in my head for dumb questions at the moment. I was sickly worried about him and i couldn't help it.

I knew he said that i should forget about him but i couldn't, i wasn' able to. As Sunghoon got in the car he started the engine immediately and he drove to the place.

When we were driving through deep forest with a mysterious atmosphere i couldn't shook away the feeling of fear towards Sunghoon but i tried to trust him as much as i could.

"What is even this place?" I asked him as soon as he started slowing down the car.

"It's a place where Riki goes to when he wants to escape everything" Sunghoon said with a soft smile using calmly voice. It seemed like he didn't care about Riki a bit but i didn't blame him after their last argument.

I felt horribly like i was the reason for them to argue.

I nodded at his answer where the silence began to sound loud again.

"I feel really horrible that i made you guys argue last time." I said breaking the silence.

I was staring at Sunghoon's glare at the road infront of him.

"Whatever" he mumbled giving me even more annoyed look.

"Why do you care about him if you can't remember a single moment that you shared with him?" Sunghoon said as fastly as he could giving me another stare.

I was about to answer but Sunghoon continued in his sentence.

"Do you even know how you met? Do you know what he caused you?" He questioned and it hurted that i couldn't answer those two questions since it wad true i didn't know a thing.

"I just know he is a good guy and i had a reason to love him" i said with a smile trying to get rid of the atmosphere that was going on between us.

"Do you want to know how he is or do you want to keep the pink glasses you have on right now?" Sunghoon asked me and he made me unsure.

"Then tell me" i said confidently still trusting Riki more.

In that moment Sunghoon pulled over beside the road and turned to me, making me terrified from every glance.

"You and Yumin got an envelope that me and him prepared and you two decided to join a game. The mafia game. You two came there not expecting the punishment for losing one of the games. It was death. Many girls died and Yumin did too for your happiness that you can't even remember!" Sunghoon increased his voice when my eyes filled with tears.

I didn't knew if he was telling me the truth but i couldn't feel more backstabbed. All those happy moments he told me about were lies.

"Do you still care?" Sunghoon's look in the eyes when he deeply stared into mine.

HAUNTED BY THE GHOST OF YOU [NI-KI] | [니키] | [2]Where stories live. Discover now