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Few months later:

I was watching TV on the couch with Riki sleeping beside me. We were watching a movie and he fell asleep right on the beginning.

My fingers went through his hair and i smiled the entire time. To be honest i don't remember what was the film about because the only thing i could do was stare at Riki.

After the incident with Heeseung, Riki gave up the mafia life for my own safety. Both of us were a lot happier and in a healthy relantionship.

Riki made me realize what true love feels like. He made me realise what can a person do for someone they love. Our story is more special thanks to Heeseung.

Heeseung did a lot of bad things but Riki has forgiven him everything after Heeseung apologized from the bottom of his heart for all the things he caused both of us.

Heeseung and Riki stayed in touch and they were quite good friends. Forgiving is a great thing and i have learned that.

Heeseung even found a girl he loved from the bottom of his heart and both of us were happy for him. Sunghoon had a harder time forgiving Heeseung for all the pain but eventually we were all able to stand up on our own feet.

Riki stood up against his father and he accepted that Riki doesn't want to get involved in mafia anymore.

Sunghoon found finally something he enjoyed from the bottom of his heart. Ice skating. He decided to quit all ties with mafia aswell and focuss on his first childhood love - his dream of being an ice skater.

And Heeseung lived happily in other country with the real love of his life that accepted him.

A month later:

I was walking down the aisle in a white dress. It was finally our wedding day that we planned months ago and this time we were ready.

Me and Riki were standing, glazing at eachother with eyes full of nothing other than love.

"Mr Nishimura, will you stand by Nara's side no matter what?" The priest asked

"Yes" Riki answered with a smile.

"And you Miss, will you stand by Riki's side no matter what?"

"Yes" i answered.

After we gave our answers, we shared a long kiss that made our wedding valid.

HAUNTED BY THE GHOST OF YOU [NI-KI] | [니키] | [2]Where stories live. Discover now