17- Returning to the place of fate

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I was driving further from Sunghoon's car but still at a distance i could spot him from. I was following him for something about 15 minutes and he was driving through some shady looking streets.

I was quite scared where wad Riki's office but at the end of the drive i found out that it wasn't needed.

Sunghoon parked infront of a big company that was made of expensive tiles and stuff. It was really expensive looking like everything around both of them.

"What is this place?" I questioned myself as i unbuckled my belt. I was still sitting in the car staring at Sunghoon, carefully looking at every move he did.

Once he entered in the building i got out of my car.

"Who are you here for?" One of the two bodyguards asked me and it left me confused. Who questioned their visitors before they entered the building?

I could feel that this building hid away lots of secrets and it made me uncomfortable.

"I'm looking for Riki Nishimura, I'm his girlfriend you could say"

When i gave them my answer they looked at eachother in a very strange way. After a while they let me in. I bowed in respect before i went in.

I faced an expensive looking interior. Everything covered in mramor tiles. One tile probably costed milions. The reception with a women sitting behind it looked like a bank with gold.

This place seemed so familiar like i have been here but i couldn't remember when.

It was probably my stupid mind since Sunghoon said this all is a secret and i can never enter so why would i have been here before.

Everything looked so clean and it was all shimmering like after a good round of cleaning.

I saw the elevator at the end of the hall so i headed there. When i was walking through there i saw lots of doors that had numbers on them.

I couldn't puzzle anything together and it was destroying me. I wish i could remember what it meant or find out about it.

In that moment i found myself grabbing one of the door handles.

"Nara this is wrong" i said to myself trying to make my mind to set a barrier between  my heart.

I let out a sigh and opened the door. Suddenly i was in a room. I expected it to be some office but instead it was a room with a few beds and a wardrobe.

"This place is so familiar" i mumbled to myself when i closed the door behind me. I was in a room and the only thing that was surrounding me were four walls and silence.

I sat on one of the beds in exhaustion from all of this. I saw a wardrobe that was right infront of me. I was curious to see if it was empty but i started feeling bad.

"What if someone lives here and I'm going through they're stuff?" I thought looking at the beds one more time. None of them had bed sheets or anything it was like a room no one visited for quite a while.

I stood up coming closer to the wardrobe. I openned it and saw one piece of clothing. I looked at it thoughtfully one more time.

It was a beautiful dress. I touched it to see from what material it was made of but instead i got another flashback coming..

HAUNTED BY THE GHOST OF YOU [NI-KI] | [니키] | [2]Where stories live. Discover now