Chapter 25

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Happy reading! *read the note at the end*

"Why have you been killing all of these women?" Nic asks him while lowering his weapon.

Cooper gives a sick smile and rubs his fingers on his chin, as if he was remembering his kills. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes you do you sick fuck. What's wrong? You couldn't get it up so you killed all of them?" Pam snaps.

"Pam," Nic says calmly and she shuts her mouth.

Detecti- I mean Demented Cooper starts to laugh maniacally and shakes his head. "My my my. It's women like you with filthy mouths that deserve to get their tongues cut out and then away that filth with holy water."

"I think you're the one that need holy water, you fuckboy," Zion says as he cracks his knuckles.

"I'm not going to ask again. Why did you kill those women?" Nic demands.

"Those women committed sins that shouldn't go unpunished. They cheated on their men and lied about their lives," Cooper says and then takes a deep breath. "I couldn't let such filth continue to walk this earth!" he shouts.

"You fucking psycho," Bobby says angrily.

Cooper cocks his head to the side, and then he turns to me. "How could a pure soul like yours hang around such tainted souls?"

Nic takes a threatening step towards him. "Don't talk to her."

He then looks to Nic and gives him a sly smirk. "Ah, Mr. Nicolas Dion Campisi in the flesh. It seems as if you've found another woman to warm your sheets at night, huh?"

I scrunch my brows and give Nic a questioning look. "What is he talking about?" I whisper to him.

"Don't listen to him, I'll explain things later," he says.

"Oh my my, you don't know do you?" Cooper then laughs out loud. He wipes away imaginary tears and says to me, "You've put so much trust into these people and I can bet my life you don't know much about them at all."

Pam puts a hand on my shoulder while keeping an eye on the insane vampire. "Salene, don't listen to him. You know that you can trust us."

"Oh is that so, Pamela?" Cooper says to Pam and shrugs his shoulders in a nonchalant way. "If she can trust you, then I'm sure that you've told her how you and Nicolas used to be sexual partners?" He finishes with a smug smirk.

I feel my stomach tighten a little and I turn back to look at Pam and then Nic. They both are looking at each other strangely.

I rasp out, "What is he talking about? Guys?" They don't answer. "GUYS?! What the fuck is he talking about?!"

Cooper claps his hands and laughs, "This is just rich."

I continue staring at the two of them, both of them staring at the ground. I don't even fucking care that we're in the middle of getting this sick bastard because I want to know what the hell he was talking about.

I ask them, "Well? What this psychotic freak is saying isn't true? Is it?"

Nic looks up to me and blows out a breath. "Yes bella, me and Pam used to have sex. I promise to go more into detail about it after this," he tells me with pleading eyes.

I feel my heart stop beating in chest and a piercing pain shoots through it. I turn Pam and ask her, "Why didn't you ever tell me about this?"

Pam looks to me with glassy eyes, "Salene it didn't mean anything to us, it happened so long ago! Please don't be mad at us."

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