Chapter 8

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Hey everyone. This is the rewritten chapter and I'm sorry for the big mishap. I'm still pissed about it. Well I hope you like this chapter.

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend! She knows who she is so...yeah!

Happy reading! :)

The ride over to the morgue was silent and the car was filled with tension. I sat behind Victor this time because I didn't want to be behind Nic and meet his gaze in the rearview mirror. When I got into the car, Pam knew immediately that something was wrong and voiced her concerns. I had shook my head in response and crossed my arms over my chest while looking out the window.

Once we made it to the morgue, I couldn't help but think about The Walking Dead. I know that there's no such thing as flesh eating zombies but at the same time I didn't think that there was a such thing as vampires. I'm a vamp now! I just hope that zombies aren't real as well.

The team and I all walk up the sidewalk alongside the building and I admire the neat landscaping around it. I always found it odd that funeral homes and morgues tend to have the best landscape around their buildings. Pam must have read my mind because she turns to me with a slight frown and her brows furrowed.

"Why does it looks so nice on the outside, but then the buildings are filled with dead people?" she shudders which makes me chuckle. "Seriously, that's creepy as hell."

"I think they want it to look inviting because of what they hold in the inside," Tyrick suggests.

We all stop about ten feet away from the door of the building and just stare at it.

Zion shook himself and went to the door. "Whatever, let's just hurry up and get this over with," he grumbled while holding the door open for the rest of us. I couldn't help but to chuckle at him. Who would've thought that the big bad Trojan warrior was getting creeped out by a funeral home.

As soon as I walk through the door, it feels like I walked into a refrigerator. I rub my arms to ward off some of the chill. The room that we're in now was decorated in brilliant hues of dark brown and gold. The floors are made of dark wood and polished to perfection. On the left of the room is a large wooden desk with big, gold letters with the name of the funeral home on it. The walls were a beautiful beige color with dark brown wallpaper on lining the top of the walls. On the right of the room is a small sitting area that consists of a cute oak table and four chairs surrounding it. Light brown lounge chairs with dark decorative pillows are pushed up against the right wall.

I heard the distinct  click click of high heels on the wooden floor and I look my head up to see a woman walking towards us. She looks like someone that just got off a catwalk. Her strawberry blonde hair was billowing behind her like a fan was blowing in front of her. She has on a fitted black suit and Italian black pumps. As she's walking toward us, I see that she's looking down at a folder in her hands. She glance up to see us all standing there and approaches us with a polite smile.

"Hello. Do you all need something?" she asks in a slightly deep voice.

Nic steps up to her and give her a polite smile. "Hi, we're the investigation group here to check out the bodies from the latest case," he tells her as he stretches out a hand for her to shake.

In case you guys were wondering, Nic didn't bother to introduce us as the Black Diamonds because most people do not know of our organization or that vampires exist. So we like to keep a very low profile.

She nods her head while she shakes his hand, "Yes, Detective Barber told me that you all were going to come today. If you all will follow me, I can direct you all to the morgue," she says and then makes a motion for us to follow her. We enter a staircase and start going down the stairs. Pam and I are a few steps behind everyone else and I feel her grab my arm to pull me to a stop.

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