Chapter 13

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Hey! So I just wanted to give a special thank you to @KayJay44. You voted for all of my chapters so far and I appreciate you so much that I am dedicating this chapter to you!

Also go read this lovely person's books My Brother's Possessive Best Friend and My Stepbrother Stole My Panties! . I know I am! So go check it out!

Enough talking, happy reading! :)

You ever see movies like Belly or Romeo Must Die when the main characters will be in the club and then a shooting or fight break out in slow motion? Well if you thought I was going to say this happened just like them, then you're wrong. In fact, this was nothing like it.

People everywhere are screaming and running to the closest exit. This shit was not in slow motion, if anything everything speeding up.

The unidentified vamp sees us running towards him and zooms away down the dark hallway he was just hiding in.

Nic shouts to Victor and Tyrick, "Come on guys let's follow him!" They all zoom down the hallway where the vamp was, which left the rest of us to take care of the intended target.

We rush to the woman and see her sitting on the floor in a daze, just staring off into space. There were two other girls holding her and giving her worried looks. Zion squats next to the woman and asks, "Ma'am are you okay?"

The woman just sits there without answering and now that we're in front of her I could see that she was visibly shaking. Zion reaches out to touch her sickly, pale face but the woman jerks back in fear. I see she's a little jumpy from being shot at so I stoop down to her level and give her a kind smile. "What's your name?" I ask softly so that I don't scare her.

She looks up at me hesitantly and answers, "M-my name is Jasmine."

"Okay Jasmine, my name is Salene," I say with a warm smile and in return she gives me a small smile. "I need to know why someone would want to harm you," I tell her seriously.

Jasmine slowly nods her head and then look up to what I presume are her friends. "Y'all I'm okay now," she says and they help her up from the floor. She dusts herself off and then looks back to us with a sigh. "Do y'all mind if we go to my apartment to have this discussion?" she asks us.

Pam nods her head. "Sure thing," she answers and then look over to the two women standing behind her. "You two are?" she asks.

The darker one of the two steps forward and clears her throat. "My name is Briana and this Shanice," she says while pointing to the light skinned woman beside her. "We're Jasmine's friends."

"Nice to meet you both. Do you ladies mind answering a few questions for us?" Pam asks. Both women nod their heads.

I pull out my phone and turn to Madison and Bobby, who were scoping out the place to make sure that the coast was clear. "Hey," I say and they turn their attention to me. "I'm about to call Nic and see if him and the others were able to catch the vam-- um I mean the guy that started shooting," I tell them. I had to catch myself because I almost let the word 'vamp' come out.

"Okay chocolate baby doll," Bobby says with a flirty smile, which earns him a glare from Madison. He grabs her hand and lands a loud kiss on the back of it. "Remember my little Debbie cake, you're the only brand I eat," he says huskily to her. She blush a deep red and pulls her hand away from him, grumbling.

I smile at their interaction and move away a little to make the call to Nic. I dial his number and press the phone to my ear. He picks up the phone on the second ring. "Hello?" he answers in an irritated voice.

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