Chapter 19

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Sometimes people find it difficult to believe that they deserve love from someone. Some even think that they're not worthy of love, but when you meet that person that seems to change that mindset and open your heart for love, there's nothing in this world like it.

*my random thoughts ^^*

Happy reading! :)

I walk into the hotel suite, still shaken up from my encounter with the mysterious vampire. I run a hand through my naturally curly hair, wincing when my hand catch a snag. Damn it, I gotta brush this shit. But first I need a bad of O neg.

As I walk into the kitchen I look up to see Pam slurping down a bag of what smells like AB blood. I scrunch my nose up in distaste at the sight of her sucking down the bag of blood like a crazed. Then to make it worse, she lets out a manly burp that made me gag at the smell of it.

"Damn girl, what the hell kind of blood are you drinking?" I ask her as I go into the fridge to grab myself a bag of bloody goodness. "It smells like an animal died in your mouth."

She gives me the middle finger as she throws the empty bag away. "What do you think it's supposed to smell like? Roses?" she laughs.

"Sometimes I forget how bad some blood types smell," I laugh to her as I open up the bag of blood and start drinking it down.

You know how people decide to tell you something hilarious or outrageous when you're drinking something? Yeah well Pam chooses this time to do just that.

"I think I need to find a man that's got a big dick so I can get plowed tonight," Pam says thoughtfully as I practically choke on my last gulp of blood. I hurry up and run to the sink and spit out the blood and begin laughing my ass off.

"W-What the fuck is wrong with you?! I could've died!" I cough and laugh out at the same time and she gives me a dry look.

"No you can't, you'd only come back to life," she says with a wink and I shake my head at her. "Anyways...what took you so long in coming up to the suite?"

I clear my throat and avert my gaze, looking anywhere except for her. "I had forgot my phone in the car."

"Oookay, but it doesn't take that long to get your phone from the truck. What had you preoccupied outside?" she asks in concern.

I can feel my heart speed up slightly, and I guess Pam hears this becasue she raise an eyebrow in question. I sigh in defeat and check the room to make sure that no one's eavesdropping. Turning back to Pam, I lean forward and whisper, "You remember that vamp that we were chasing in the morgue?" She nods her head slowly, her mouth frowning. "Well he was in our truck, waiting on me to come outside."

Her eyes grow wide and she starts looking me over like a mother hen. "What?! Are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?" she asks in one breath.

I bat her hands away, "No he didn't. He just gave me this creepy ass smile and said 'Gotcha'." I pull out my phone and show her the message left on my phone as goosebumps break out on my skin. She gives me a quizzical look and take the phone.

She looks at the message, growing pale and visibly begin to shake in anger. She looks up to me and I see her eyes burning in silver fury. "Who the hell is coming for you?!"

I shrug my shoulders, pushing down the fear clawing it's way up my throat. "I have no idea why I would get a message like that. Plus I don't even understand who this vampire is that's been following us anyway. I don't get it," I say as I slump onto the counter in frustration.

"I wonder if he's connected to this case," Pam says.

I shake my head immediately, "For some reason, I got this strong feeling that he's not connected to this case at all. But what I want to know is who's coming for me?"

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