Chapter 17

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Happy New year! Oh yeah, Happy reading! :)

If I knew that I was going to be plagued with a dream so horrific and scary, then I wouldn't have went to sleep.

"Mommy! Don't you touch my mommy!" The seven year old version of me yells to the man that was supposed to have been her 'loving' father.

"Salene baby go to your room! I'll come in there later!" My mom tells me as she try to stop herself from crying out in pain. My 'father' gives my mom another slap onto her face before he turns around and starts walking towards me.

"What did you say you little bitch?" He sneers with those eerie burning silver with fury.

"No! Don't fucking touch my baby!" My mom yells to him as she begin to make her way over to where he was leaning over me. But before she could grab me from him, he pushes her away so hard that she fell into the wall and left a dent in the wall.

"You back the fuck up, hoe. I'm trying to talk to my......daughter," he says as he makes his way back over to me with a sick smile.

Fear claws itself into my rapid beating heart as he gets closer and closer. I turn around to run away from him but before I can take more than two steps, he snatches my arm back. He then slap me so hard I feel pain explode across my face. I feel myself fall backwards and my head collides with the floor.

He laughs darkly while I fight to stop my vision from going black. I turn my head towards where my mom was cradling her arm against her chest as she tried to crawl to where I lay.

I look behind her to see the man coming up behind my mom with a gun raised towards her. Before I can scream for her the loud sound of a gunshot rings throughout the room.

"MOMMY!!!!!" I scream as I see blood flow out onto the floor.

"Salene! Wake up!"

I jolt awake, heart beating hard inside my chest. I look up to see everyone staring down at me with worry. I turn to my left to see Nic holding my hand, his brows creased down in worry. He smoothes my sweaty hair back from my face and grasps my face in his hands.

"Salene what's wrong? Why were you screaming?" Nic asks worriedly.

I take a deep breath and clasp my hands together to stop them from shaking so much. "I-it was just a bad dream," I tell him and give him a shaky smile. I look to everyone else's worried faces and give them a tired smile. "I'm okay guys, it was just bitter memories."

I see a look of understanding dawn upon Pam's face and tears start to well in her eyes. She climbs onto the bed with me and give me a fierce hug. Everyone has a look of confusion and I shake my head to indicate that I'll let them know later. I blink back tears as I tighten my arms around Pam and rest my head on her shoulder. My heart was breaking all over again from the nightmare I just had. I haven't had a dream so vivid like that about my mother's death since I was a teen.

Pull back from Pam's embrace and give her a grateful smile. She smiles back at me and gets off the bed. While wiping her eyes, she walks out of our bedroom sniffing. Tyrick looks at the empty doorway for a few moments before shooting me another worried glance before walking after Pam in quick strides.


I turn and look at Madison in question.

"Are you sure you're okay? You were screaming really loud?" she asks softly.

"I promise that I'm okay. It was just a bad dream, that's all."

"Well, hell I hope you are. I was prepared for a fight when I heard you scream like that," Bobby said as he came forward and gave me a hug.

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