Chapter 5

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Good afternoon everyone! How's everybody doing? Finals week is over! Now I'm free to do anything I want! This doesn't mean I'm going to be writing 24/7 because I do have a life outside of this, but the updates should be coming more frequent. :) Anyhow, this is chapter 5 and it will talk a little about their case. ;) Happy reading!

About ten minutes after Nic called me, he was back outside me and Pam's apartment building and honking the horn. Pam and I already had our suitcases waiting by the door and were in the living room on the couch. Pam stood up and went to the silk-curtained window to confirm if it was Nic or not. She then turned around with a heavy sigh.

"Okay chica, that's Nic. Let's get on out of here so he doesn't nag at us like an old hag," she said and went over to the door.

I nodded and got up from the couch to walk over to the door. Pam had propped open the door with her booted foot with her suitcase in her hand. I reached down and got mine from the floor and grabbed the door as Pam walked out of it. I closed the door behind me and then took out my keys to lock the door. The door to our neighbor, Mrs. Peters opened and her curly, gray head poked out.

"Good afternoon ladies. Is that car outside honking for you?" Mrs. Peters asked in a small voice. Mrs. Peters had a natural tan and her face had small wrinkles around her face from smiling a lot in her life. Her eyes were a pretty dark blue that twinkled every time the light hit them. She was a round, short woman. She was also a really sweet old woman that was like a second mother for both myself and Pam.

We both turned our heads and smiled as Pam answered, "Yes ma'am. We gotta go out of town for a job little bit, but we'll be back soon."

Mrs. Peters frowned and then shook her head while making a soft tsking sound. "Oh dear, I wish that you two young women be careful on your trip," she said worriedly.

I went over to her and gave her a small, but tight hug. This woman is so sweet that she'll worry about a fly. "It's going to be safe and we'll make sure to be cautious. I pinky promise," I assured her with a soft smile. I let her go and looked over to see Pam coming over with her arms outstretched towards Mrs. Peters.

Pam gave her a tight hug as well and said, "We promise Mama P. As you can hear, we have to get going or our chauffer will have our heads if we don't get outside now." Mrs. Peters laughed, her eyes twinkling.

"Okay then babies, be careful and see you two later. Remember to stop by and let me know you're alive." She then went back into her apartment.

Pam linked our arms together and then started walking us towards the elevator at the end of the hall. She then pressed the down button. "C'mon Lene, let's hurry up and get our asses down there or Nic will skin us alive," she said, not at the least worried.

I laughed, "Yeah I can already hear him now." I cleared my throat and mimicked Nic's deep voice, "I precisely said to be ready, not take your precious time." We both guffawed loudly at my horrible attempt of his voice as we got on the elevator.

"I precisely said to be ready, not take your precious time," Nic grumbled as soon as Pam and I buckled into our seats.

We couldn't help ourselves and laughed out loud. Nic raised his eyebrows and looked at us like we were crazy. "What's so funny?" he questioned.

I shook my head, still chuckling. "Let's just say that I had a really strong feeling that you were going to say that." I wiped the tears of laughter from eyes as Pam laughed even harder.

"Oh my god Nic! You're so predictable! Goodness, that was a good laugh," Pam said with large grin on her face.

Nic shook his head at us and then started the car. I saw a hint of a smile upon his lips as he drove away.

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