Chapter 26

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Happy reading!

I didn't talk to them for the next few days.

After arresting Cooper, we took him to execution chamber located in every jail and ended his life. This is where we always execute vampires that have committed first degree crimes and also the crazed. With the regular vampires, we would heavily tranquilize them, putting them into a coma, and chopping off their limbs and head (extreme, yes but necessary). Then the bodies are burned until it's nothing but ashes, which is later buried in a local cemetery.

I don't know why, but I find some sort of peace when I know at least the vampires' bodies are properly buried.

Now executing the crazed...that's a different story. First off, when the crazed are in custody they are bound by titanium cuffs AND a muzzle to cover their mouths. Why the muzzle? Well let's just say Tyrick almost lost his fingers a few months back....

Anyways, they're brought to the chamber and are literally burned alive. It's easier to do it this way for the crazed because their bodies easily burn and they burn fast (talk about flammability, haha get it?).

Before we started doping up Cooper, he had turned his head in my direction and gave me a sad look. Tears started streaming out of his eyes and he said in a shaky voice, "I can't say I'll see you in hell...because I know that you're going to be one of his angels next to his throne." With that Nic quickly injected him with the powerful drug that scientist secretly invented called Slumber made to put vampires under like how doctors would do a patient in surgery.

When we finished our execution, Nic informed us that we could just relax for the week to give us break. We all headed back to our hotel suites and did what he said relax. Well...everyone except me.

I am still shaken up by the male figure I saw back in the woods. So I've been riding solo (this ain't Jason Derulo) to avoid everyone asking questions about my state....

Yeah right, you know why you're being all lonely.

....Well okay, fine! I'm avoiding Pam and Nic! There you happy self conscious?! Damn you, bitch ass conscious. Excuse my explicit French. Anyways...

Right now I'm at the pool, which was empty thank god, and I'm in my black bikini and laying on the lounge chair. I let out a sigh of content at the silence of the room and I feel myself relax fully into the chair. But I should've known that it wouldn't last too long.

I hear footsteps coming towards me and my body tenses up, until I recognize the scent of Pam. I stay eerily still though as she stops in front of me. My eyes are closed but I can feel how nervous she is and I know for a fact that she's twisting her hair. She does that all the time when she's nervous.

She clears her throat before speaking, "Lene? Can you please talk to me? Just hear me out?"

I let out a sigh and open my eyes to see her standing near my chair. I meet her eyes and say, "Have a seat."

She gulps when she hears how monotone my voice is and slowly sink into the lounge chair behind her. She begins to twist her hair (told you) and her eyes become glassy.

"Salene I'm so sorry," she whispers to me in a small voice.

I don't say nothing.

Pam sniffles and she runs her hand through her hair. She meets my eyes and begins again, "I never had any feelings for him. Nic and I have been working together for a long time and one night we got really drunk together. I don't know what got into us but we thought good the sex may be with each other and...w-we did it. This happened happened like over fifty years ago when me and him didn't really have any morals and way before we ever met you.

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