Chapter 24

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Happy Holiday everyone, I hope everyone is having a great summer! Yes I have been MIA, but you have to understand school is really important and I'm trying to get my grades back up so I can leave this terrible town and go back to university in Chicago! This is a short chapter but I had promised a chapter nonetheless. So here it is, I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll try (keyword try) to update next Friday. Happy reading!


That bad feeling follows me while we head back to our hotel suite.

Why we're heading back to suite you ask? Well that damn crooked ass cop just vanished.

When we left to go question him about his whereabouts, he was nowhere to be found. Like honestly, NOWHERE. We search the area that Barber told him to go and he wasn't there, neither was his car. Barber then drove us to his house and when we got there, the house was empty....literally.

Absolutely nothing was left in the house. Any personal items he had like clothes, pictures, knickknacks, and even his damn food was gone! To say that we were all shocked was an understatement.

And that's not the best part.

This motherfucker y'all, (y'all listening?) cleared all of his shit at the precinct too! When we came back to the station to check the area and his personal items there, his desk was completely empty. Panicked, we had went through every drawer and corner of his desk and saw that the bible with all of the pictures of the. Victims were gone too.
We were all going crazy about the evidence being lost until Nic calmly reached into his pocket and pulled out the bible and its contents. "You guys need to calm down, I made sure to put it up when we all left from here."

"That must mean that this fucker knew that he would be found out eventually," Barber had said after we had searched the precinct. "There's nothing we can do tonight, so I say we just head home, get some rest and start up again tomorrow. Stay alert."

And with that, here we are now. I'm sitting in the car with a frown between my brows and biting my nail anxiously. My leg is jumping and I keep looking out the I'm looking for something or someone.

I wipe a hand down my face and let out a quiet sigh. My head was pounding behind my eyes and my hands are slightly shaking. I can just feel like something's going to-


Something slams into my side of the truck, making it whip back and forth and Nic tries to gain control while cursing.

"What the fuck was that?!" Bobby says from the back seat as he tries to regain stability.

"I don't fucking know! Something ran into the car!" Nic says as he finally gets the truck to a standstill.

I look behind me and see that others are getting out of their truck and rushing over to ours with worried looks on their faces. Pam takes out her gun and rushes over to my window while scoping the area. She turns and look to me, "Are you okay Lene?"

I press a palm to the side of my face that had collided with the now broken window and take deep breaths. "Shit, I'm okay. Just got a headache now."

I painfully turn in my seat to see Nic undoing his seatbelt and reaching over to check the wound on head that I know realize was bleeding. As he checks over me, I look back to see Bobby and Victor groaning and cursing under their breaths.

"Fuck that hurt like a bitch," Victor groans.

"I wanna know what the hell hit the damn truck that hard to make us lose control," Bobby mutters before getting out of the truck with his gun in his hand.

Nic turns my head back towards his face. "Bella, are you okay?"

I shakily nod and take out my own weapon as the rest of us get out of the car with the others.

Zion walks backward to us with his machine gun out and ready, looking out into the distance. "Not a 'what' Bobby, but a 'who'. Whoever it was ran in that direction over there in the forest."

I look to the direction Zion has his gun pointed to and try to look for any movement within the dark trees. The road that we're on is dead smack in the middle of nothing but forestry and barely has any streetlights. If there were humans out here, they wouldn't be able to see anything with how dark it is out here.

"Do not just look in one direction, everyone each take a position and hone in on your senses," Nic orders us.

We all get into position. I hurriedly calm my racing heart down and rely on my senses with my gun ready. I hear the woody smell of the trees and the tar of the pavement. The wet humid air sticks to my skin and I feel the wind slightly cooling down my overheated body. I hear the wind whistling in between the trees and the leaves dancing.

I hear the slow heartbeats of myself and the others but then I hear an extra that was twenty feet away from me in the dark woods. I narrow my eyes and I hear my heartbeat pick up. I see a black shadow move a little and before I can comprehend what I do, I shoot the black object.

The sound of a grunt echoes out and Nic is instantly by my side looking at the black shadow come closer. With his gun ready, he whispers to me, "Nice shot baby."

I blush and whisper back, "Thanks."

The shadow comes closer and Nic says, "Show yourself Cooper." I now see that it's a man, and he slowly comes out of the woods and into the light. With a sinister smirk on his lips, the detective looks to me and says, "That wasn't very nice, you shot me in the arm that God had given me to kill sinners like you."

Pam looks to me in sickness and slight shock. The look on her face reflects he one on mine.

This bitch is crazy.....

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