Chapter Fourteen

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It's been a week since Tom had kissed me in the field and started to call me by my first instead. Toms been non-stop clingy with me and to be honest I'm not complaining.

I went on a late night walk the one night me and Tom haven't slept together. I couldn't sleep. No matter what I did I was just sweating.

"You've seen the way she looks at him... she's using him." I heard a girl talking to some guy.

"It doesn't matter anyway he'll just hurt her like he does everyone else." The guy had a deep raged voice like he just woke up.

"But Jake he's smiling at her... no one has been able to make him smile."

"Why does this matter?" The guy really did sound sleepy.

"Because... if he loves her that means he can't love me which then means I can't push Tom to kill that filthy mud blood myrtle." What? What's happening?

"Tom won't kill anyone you know that-"

"Yes he will.. he'll do anything for the person he loves and I need that to be me not some whore who's probably sleeping with every guy here." The girl was pissed and so was I. She can't just say that about me nor Tom.

Wait.... If Tom'll only kill for his lover and she wants Myrtle dead, that means that if this girl didn't exist then Tom wouldn't have killed anyone in the first place which means no Voldemort... I don't have to get him to love me, I just have to make sure this bitch doesn't get to him. Yes!!!

I walked around the corner putting my best mean face on.

The girl and guy froze. The guy didn't seem to be affected but the girl seemed somewhat scared. Good. She should be.


"Tom... Tom... Tom wake up...." Y/N was shaking me ever so slightly.

My eyes fluttered open and Y/N was standing over me looking rather tired but still as beautiful as ever.

"Yes Y/N?" I slowly sat up in my bed. Usually I would hurt someone if they woke me up but Y/N could wake me up every morning at different times and I would never hurt her.

"Can you help me out.... I need you to lie for me."

Lie? Why would she need me to lie for her? What did she do?

"Um.... What for?" I slid my hand to her back pulling her slightly closer to me. Her body heat warmed my heart and I couldn't help but be addicted to the feeling.

"I hurt some people, you can't ask why, and you only have to say that I was with you all night if any teacher asks...." Y/N seemed a little worried but also calm, like she has done this before.

"Did you kill someone?"


"Did you leave any evidence it was you?"


"Good girl, come here." I dragged Y/N onto my lap and hugged her tightly nuzzling my head into her neck and just breathing in the scent of leather, burning wood, and perfume.

I could hear Y/N giggle and felt her arms wrap around my neck pulling me impossible close. I loved her hugs. I loved her.

"Thank you." Y/N whispered.

"I'd do anything for you Y/N." I backed away slightly so we could be face to face. "You would do the same for me"

Y/N nodded and leaned over to kiss me. Her lips were as soft as morning rain and she tasted like candy. She's perfect in every way and I was going to show her.

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