Chapter Twenty-Three

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Narrator POV

Tom and Y/N spent the rest of their school years winning many points for Slythrin and passing any assessment with flying colors. They became prefects and both won rewards a Medal for Magical Merit while also becoming Head boy and girl. People envied them and any new students became fangirls/boys over both of them. They were the envy of them all.

After graduating from school Tom went on to become an award winning author that everyone knew and his books went to schools, libraries, book stores, everywhere really. Not a single person went without knowing his name.

Y/N went on to be a Curse-Breaker for Gringotts and had become one of the most well known of the century. She can complete any task with ease and is home more than usual because of the easy jobs.

They aren't married yet but have been together for about 5 years. They work fast and can do a lot with a little time.

Tom has been planning a proposal for months now wanting to make sure everything is perfect and not a single thing can ruin the moment.

"Doll?" Tom walked into their bedroom. They owned a somewhat small apartment that was perfect for them and their Australian Shepherd.

"Ya?" Y/N looked up from her book while the dog laid beside her on the bed.

"Be ready at six tomorrow, ok?" Tom leaned on the door way crossing his arms.


"Because I'm taking you out."


"I'm not playing the why game doll."

Y/N smiled and started to pet the dog which moved it's head to her lap.

"What's the theme?" Y/N asked.

"Where something elegant that you don't want to forget but also modest." Tom answered wanting her to look back on her proposal pictures with love and not wondering why she chose that outfit. Tom knows her to well, he knows she'll over think if she isn't completely in love with her outfit.

Y/N smiled getting up from the bed and dug through the closet searching for the perfect outfit. Tom chuckled and sat on the bed petting the dog.

After Y/N planned her outfit and Tom took out the dog they went to bed.

The next morning Tom went out making sure everything is set up and perfect while Y/N stayed at home getting ready.

Around six Tom came back and touched up so they could leave on time to go to a dinner at a fancy place downtown.

"So how's your book coming along Tommy?" Y/N asked as the silence between them was annoying her.

"Half way done. Any new jobs, doll?" Tom looked up from his plate trying to hide how nervous he was.

"Mhm, I have one next month about some freak that wanted to have maximum protection on some childhood art project and of course it went wrong." Y/N smiled at the thought knowing just the right spell she was going to use and the fact that she gets another payday.

Y/N and Tom talked the rest of the dinner and after words went on a walk in a beautiful park with hidden photographs to take pictures. Tom made sure to make them extra hidden because Y/N was great at spotting hidden people and objects. She once found some hidden chocolate that Tom was hiding from the dog and her.

As they reached the dazzling fountain with lights hung around it and the trees nearby. The place was magical with perfectly kept trees, bushes, flowers, and even grass. It was a picture perfect sight.

Tom's heart was racing as Y/N marveled at the surroundings.

Tom made Y/N face him as he got down on one knee offering a black velvet box to her. Y/N's face lit up and happy tears pricked her eyes as she couldn't believe how phenomenal this was.

"Y/N M/N L/N.. I've loved you ever since that moment in the field where you looked absolutely beautiful in every possible way. I can't believe that I found you and that I have the honor to kneel here, in front of you, asking for your hand in marriage. Please agree to this my love. I can't imagine my life without the most perfect woman in my life." Tom opened the little box revealing a beautiful delicate floral-shaped diamond ring.

Y/N squealed and hugged Tom around the neck in a complete bliss of happiness.

"Yes!!" Y/N was too happy to say anything else than yes. She didn't let go of Tom till he stood to his full length.

When she backed away Tom grabbed her hand and put the ring on her ring finger before bringing it up to his mouth giving her hand a soft kiss.

"I love you Y/N M/N L/N." Tom was smiling like never before.

"I love you Tom Morvalo Riddle." Y/N pulled Tom into a blissful kiss.

The next months go by in a whirlwind of happiness, planning, inviting, giving the news, and so on. Neither of them could be happier to have each other in their lives.

Their wedding day arrived, family and friends dressed up for the theme perfectly, everyone sitting in the old money church that had beautiful engravings that people were dazzled by.

Tom was standing in his dark emerald suit made for this wedding. He was nervous to see Y/N but also excited.

As the music started for the bride everyone stood up looking at the entryway were Y/N came in with a bouquet of flowers wearing an off the shoulder ivy wedding dress that made people gasp in awe.

Tom was standing with tears welling up in his eyes as he looked upon his beautiful wife. It was really happening for them.

After being married for two years the Riddles moved into an old Carolina island house that was built in Northern England in a very nice neighborhood.

After a few years Tom and Y/N ended up having five kids. Elizabeth, 15, Benjamin, 13, William, 11, Isabella, 9, and Scarlet, 7. They are the happiest family who love to go out as a family and are basically the dream family.

Some kids are already in Hogwarts but all will attend. They will all be in Slytherin and compete with each other to be head boy or girl, team Captain, smartest in the class, and so on.

Tom and Y/N couldn't be happier with their kids and their life. They have a good amount of money, bright kids, and an amazing life all together. Who's to complain?


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