Chapter Fifteen

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It's been a week since me and Tom had had sex and he's been super clingy and horny. Not complaining or anything.

"Doll?" Tom came into my dorm.

"Yes?" I smiled up at him from the book I was reading on my bed.

Tom sat next to me. "Can we go out?"

What's up with him? He usually tells me to be ready at a certain time and what to wear.

"I guess... when do you want to go out?"


"What do you want me to wear?"

"Something as beautiful as you." Tom smiled then kissed me on the cheek.

I smiled at Tom before he kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck moving on top of his lap. Me and Tom started to make out as he moved his hands down my back and cupped my ass. I whimpered as Tom started to kiss and nip at my neck.

"Tom, I'm still sore." I whispered.

"Right." Tom drew back with a small smile.

"You're adorable." I cupped Tom's face.

Tom didn't move back or anything, he just let me do whatever I wanted to him. I guess he learned patients for me overnight or something because that day in the chocolate cosmos field changed him for the better. Why? I have no idea but I won't complain.

I played with Tom's hair and face just poking and squishing his cheeks and what not.

"What's your favorite flower?" Tom asked.

"Forget me not, why?"

"For our date." Tom kissed my cheek then hid in my neck.

I giggled and hugged Tom tightly. He was like a big teddy bear when we were alone with just each other and I was loving every moment. If people could just look past his grumpy personality they would see what I see, a perfect, adorable, sweet, man that I would kill for.... Kill? I mean I would if it meant saving him but I've never loved a guy this much since my dad... OH MY GOD I LOVE TOM!!

Fuck! I can't love Tom. I'll feel bad when I leave, I'll break his heart, I'll never be the same, it'll never be what I wanted when I go back.. Fuck! I can't keep playing Tom. It's unfair to him and myself. I can't just hurt Tom because then it'll hurt me and what's worth having parents you barely remember if the love of your life is completely ruined? Nothing. I don't know my parents but I do know Tom and I'm not hurting him... But I have to.

"Doll? Are you ok?" Tom backed away from my neck.

I couldn't hurt him right now... I need time, right? Or am I being selfish?

"Ya I'm ok." I smiled even though I didn't believe myself. "Just thinking about tonight."

Fuck tonight. Damn it I'm so stupid how could I be such a bad person! Why'd I agree to do this in the first place?

Tom had left my dorm to get ready for our date and I decided I needed to wait a few days to figure this all out.

Eight o'clock rolled around and I was wearing a Finely Love black dress that looked pretty good, not gonna lie. I've done my hair and makeup and grabbed a black purse that I put some stuff in, and like he was timing this perfectly, Tom knocked on my door.

When I opened the door Tom was wearing a black three piece suit that looked all so good on the god shaped man standing tall in front of me.

"Ready doll?" Tom asked when he noticed me staring in awe at him.

I nodded, closing my mouth I didn't even know had opened.

Tom grabbed my waist and led me through the school and off the bridge so we could apparate to a small place in Paris that Tom had booked out just for me and him tonight.

Inside the small place there was a table set up with plates, flowers, and a small, and somewhat bigger, box.

"Tommy." I breathed out completely breathless from the ravishing view. He put in so much effort and it paid off.

"Yes?" Tom had a smirk as he moved me towards the table.

The black boxes came in view more clearly and lord did they look like they held something worth a billion dollars.

Tom picked up the smaller one first and opened it to reveal a dazzling pair of tear drop earrings made of diamonds. If I wasn't impressed before I sure am now. Tom then grabbed the bigger one and opened it up to a diamond teardrop pendant that took every last breath away and made my heart skip a beat.

"Tommy you didn't.. Have.. To." I was too busy admiring the jewelry to think straight.

"I wanted to, doll." Tom chuckled.

I slowly ran my fingers over the diamonds and I felt like royalty just looking at them this close. Tom was the nicest person to ever exist and I couldn't imagine throwing all this away for my "dream" life, it would be unfair.

Tom pulled the seat out for me and pushed me just close enough towards the table like he had been practicing for years.

"Do you like pasta?" Tom asked me while sitting down.

"I love it."

"Linguine pasta?" Tom made a signal towards the waiter nearby.

"Yep.... What's your favorite? Mines fettuccine." I smiled.

"I rather enjoy spaghetti, simple but taste almost as good as you." Tom winked.

A light blush came over my cheeks but I wasn't going to become a ten year old, giggling and curling their hair when trying to flirt. I smirked. Threw Tom off but to say the least he was impressed.

"You're not easy to break are you?"

"You've known me for how long?" I smiled.

"Fair enough."

The food came and it smelled like heaven on earth and I couldn't wait for Tom to say anything before I was digging in like it was my last meal.

"Hungry?" Tom chuckled while he also started to eat.

I just nodded and enjoyed the food. Wine came and some iced water. I don't know how Tom got this place to serve under aged people wine but I wasn't going to complain.

Me and Tom shared stories about childhoods and what our favorite things are, it was overall very fun to just talk to Tom.

Me and Tom took a walk around the block and into a nearby park and we were silent but it was a comfortable silence. We stopped at a bench and sat down just looking up at the stars.


"Hm?" I look towards Tom with a brought smile.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course." I gave a reassuring smile.

Tom looked away and at his fidgeting hands, I've never seen him so.... Nervous?

"I love you." Tom said.

I froze. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.... Fuck!

"Doll?" Tom looked worried. "I'm sorry if this is too soon. I just couldn't keep it in anymore and I don't have any friends to tell...."

"No Tommy." I smiled. "I love you also I was just shocked."


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