Chapter Two

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It's my second day in 1942 and I was feeling pretty good about myself. Sure I didn't have a solid plan just yet but I need to meet Tom first.

After getting ready I sat on my bed for a few minutes wondering how I was going to meet Tom. But I should have at least one class with him, right? Hopefully luck is with me on this.

I put my heels on and decided to get some breakfast. I sat down towards the middle of the table where not many people were and looked around. I don't know why but I wanted to make a friend.

After eating breakfast I started to stand when a professor came up to me.

"I'm Professor Slughorn, your potions teacher." The guy had a bright cheerful smile.

"Y/N L/N." I gave a kind smile back.

"I understand your new and well I have someone who can show you the ins and outs of the school. Like classes and the other professors' rules."

"Oh. Ok, thank you, professor."

"This here is my star student Tom Riddle." The guy from the library came into view as Slughorn moved slightly.

I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

Tom didn't make any movements or expressions at me and just ignored me.

"You two are in a lot of the same classes I hear so it's possible you two might get close to each other." Slughorn planned this! He knew neither of us had friends. Bastard.

"Thank you, sir." I gave a slight smile and walked away. Tom ended up following me.

"Tom Riddle." He walked in front of me and stopped so he could put his hand out to me.

I paused. Might as well.

"Y/N L/N." I shook his hand.

"Do you want me to show you the ins and outs or no?" Tom had no emotion whatsoever.

"No I got it but thanks." I gave a sweet smile.

Tom walked off and I noticed people staring at me. I rolled my eyes and walked to my first class. On my way there I could see a group of 'popular boys' pointing to me and then of course one of them came up to me.

"Hey there sugar ." The guy had a smirk on his face as he got close to me. Sugar? Who does he think he is?

I looked the guy up and down not wanting to deal with him at this moment.

"How about me and you meet up and... you know." The guy winked at me as he looked at me up and down while licking his lips.

"Imma stop you right there buddy. I don't like the way you look and assuming by your inflated ego, you've got a small dick. Sorry but I'm shutting all of this down." I scoffed and walked into my next class.

"Miss L/N. Your seat will be next to Mr Riddle." Binns motioned for me to sit. This is my history of magic class so I probably won't get close to Tom in this class, it's my favorite.

I love history. I find it fascinating. I sat down next to Tom and got out my book and pen. As professor Binns taught I couldn't focus that much because none of this information was new or exciting.

"Who would like to tell me when magic was first found." Binns looked around the room.

My hand shot up with Tom's.

"Mr.... Huh. Miss L/N." Binns probably didn't expect me to answer since I was new but I didn't care.

"Some people believe that magic was first recorded in Egypt but in reality it was all the way back to the African area where people originated. No one knows for sure who found magic but we do know that magic has been around since humans existed or even before in some cases."

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