Chapter Eighteen

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"Miss, L/N?" Dippet had rounded a corner.

"Head master..."

"Why are you here?" Dippet sat at his desk.

"I completed my mission and now I'm going back."

"Very well... You've done well Miss, L/N. You were much faster than expected."

"Thank you sir." I looked down at the floor trying with every ounce of my being not to cry.

"Well I hope you have a better life when you get back. Fare well."

"Good bye." I walked out as fast as I could.

I rushed to the dorm passing by many people who looked at me like I was a walking dead girl. That stupid group of people must've already spread the news.

When I got to the stairs that led to the girls' dorms I saw someone fighting another and realized it was Tom on top of Abraxas and Maria was trying to pull Tom off.

I ran over making Maria back away.

"Tom!" I yelled.

The music stopped and everyone froze and whipped their heads toward us.

Tom kept going till I pulled him off sending him a glare as Maria dropped to her knees to help Abraxas.

"What are you doing? Why were you hurting him?" I was a little mad but also disappointed.

"Nothing." Tom growled and turned away.

No, no, no, no, no, no. I grabbed Tom's hand and turned him back to me.

"Don't turn your back on me! You don't go around hurting random people! What has gotten into you?!"

People gasped and backed away if they could. Tom's glare hardened.

"Answer me Tom..." I whispered.

Tom grabbed my arm pulling me close. He leaned to my ear.

"I don't like to be criticized by people who have no idea how much I love you and the lengths I would go for you. You used me and I can't bring myself to give you another chance and I'd be damned if I'll let a low life make me feel bad about it." Tom whispered in my ear then walked away.

I was stunned. I couldn't move. I needed to get away from this time.

I bent down to Abraxas.

"Are you ok?"

Abraxas had bruises and scars on his face and he was clearly about to pass out any moment. He shook his head before Maria moved his head onto her lap.

"Y/N I've got him. You should really go after Tom." Maria gave me a soft smile while grabbing her wand. I remembered how my grandmother was gifted with healing spells so I knew Abraxas would be ok and that I could go to my dorm and leave this God cursed time.

I got up and went to my dorm and looked around for the time turner. I couldn't find it. Fuck! Tears pricked my eyes as I realized I had lost it. That's when I heard a knock on my door and Tom stood here with the turner in his hand.

"You left this."

I swallowed and reached for it. Tom grabbed my throat and pinned me to the wall slamming the door.

"Don't you ever come back to my time understand? You are a worthless girl who thinks that she can go around using people like fucking tools. I hate you and I hope you got what you wanted in your time." Tom wrapped the necklace around my neck pulling it so I got closer to him. "You hurt me."

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