Chapter Twenty

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I want her back.

She was my everything and I messed the fuck up and lost her, for what? Because I was some dick who got his feelings hurt? Bullshit. I want her back. I NEED her back.

I've missed more classes than I would like to admit. I've been skipping meals. I've been missing Y/N.

There's nothing left for me in this cursed world people call home. I can't go on like this anymore.


I really miss Tom.

How come everyone around me is living a wonderful life because Voldemort isn't a thing. No one knows about him and laughs at the name and can say it like he never tortured thousands. I wish I never went back in time to make him fall for me.

I've been missing classes and what not trying to do things to avoid this dwelling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I can't even think about Tom without breaking down. I miss him and I'm going to get him back one way or another. I'm done just sitting around doing nothing about my pathetic life without Tom standing by my side calling me doll... FUCK!!

I cried in my room for a while after thinking of this. The only reason why I stopped is because Pansy came in with snacks and a kind smile. We sat there for a while till I told her what I was planning.


"Yes?" Pansy looked up from the chips she was eating.

"I'm getting Tom back." I said with the utmost confidence.

"How?" Pansy and I have been friends for so long she's unfazed by the things I say.

"I'll go to Dumbledore and get the Time-Turner back so I can bring Tom back here and if not I'll stay there... with him."

"What if Dumbledore says no?" Pansy looked at me with barely any emotion but tiredness.

"If he says no I'll sneak in and still the thing."

"And if Tom says no?"

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... What if he says no? What then? Fuck.. No tears please. Shit. I don't think I could handle anything if he says no to me. What if he hates me? Or doesn't believe me? What am I going to tell him? Damn it. Why does love have to be so hard, yet so fucking perfect?

"Y/N I can hear you overthinking, what's wrong?" Pansy put a hand on my forearm giving me a small smile to comfort me.

"I.. don't think I could.. Handle myself if he.. Says no... Pansy, what if he says no?" I broke down in tears again as Pansy brought me into a hug.

"If Tom truly loves you he will take you back with open arms."

Open arms? He has good hugs. I want his hugs not Pansy's. I don't care if that sounds rude, I want, no need, Tom back. I can't take no for an answer.

The next morning I took a very good shower and actually shaved, which is a first in many weeks. I put my best uniform combo on and my favorite heels. I felt confident and ready for anything. Who knows what will happen.

I went through my classes like normal and ate all three meals today. I'm feeling good and ready to put on a whole ass show for Dumbledor and if he says no... I don't know what happened, the wand just flew through his eye. Who knows, maybe the wand got mad...

I made my way to the headmaster's office, said the magic words, and went up the stairs into the office.

"Headmaster?" I didn't see Dumbledor anywhere so I sat in a chair in front of his desk and watched his bird pick at its feathers.

"Miss L/N?" Dumbledor rounded a corner and spotted me.

I stood up with a smile which he returned.

"Headmaster, I have something to ask of you."

Dumbledor nodded and sat down and I followed suit.

"I was wondering if um..." Fuck.. no, no, no, no, no... why do I have to freeze with the simplest of things? Fuck.

"Yes?" Dumbledor raised an eyebrow at me.

"Um I.. I wanted to ask for the uh.." God damn it.

"You want Tom back, don't you?" Dumbledor smiled.

I nodded and looked at my lap. I don't know why I felt as if this was a bad thing. It's not.

"And what do you plan on doing once Tom has forgiven you? Join him? Or..." Dumbledor gave a hinting look.

"I want to do what he wants..." I answered.

"Very well.. If he decides on your present I'll have everything set up and if not Dippet will help." Dumbledor gave a quick smile before standing up to leave.

"Um headmaster.. I need the turner thing."

"I expect you know where it is.. Or is your love not strong enough?" Dumbledor gave a small nod and walked out.

I swear he's mental. My love not strong enough? I'm supposed to know where it is? What is that dude on?

Wait.. what if it's somewhere where me and Tom fell in love, or where we first met, oh! The place where we first kissed. I need help.

I got up and checked the drawers for the Time-Turner but it wasn't there. Dipshit moved it.

I started to walk back to my dorm disappointed when I felt this need to go outside of the grounds. I changed my path and felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins and I started to run. I don't know why but I needed to. Like my life depended on it.

I got to a worn down field where Tom had taken me on our first date. The field was ruined, flowers rotten, trees torn apart, it was just awful.

But nothing stopped me from running to the tree where me and Tom had our picnic.

There it is. The Time-Turner just sitting there as plain as day. I was going back. I was going to get Tom back.

I gasped in relief and surprise falling to my knees to pick the necklace up and hug it to my chest tightly.

I was going back.


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