Chapter Twenty-One

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TW: Suide / self-harm


I put the Time-Turner on and turned the right amount of time before stopping it. I was in the exact spot where me and Tom had our first date.

I'm back. I'M BACK!!!

I started to run. Run and run and run and run. I don't care who saw me or who I bumped into. I ran.


I can't do it. I'm done. Life without Y/N is killing me and might as well finish the damn job.

I locked my door and sat in the corner of my room with a pocket knife. I slid my sleeve up my arm and stared at my forearm... I was really doing this.

I took the tip of the blade and dragged a slash up to the cubital fossa. The rush of pain made my leg jerk and I sucked in a breath.

No more stalling. I moved the head to my left pec slowly pushing on it.

Before I could tear the fabric of my shirt I heard ponding on my door and.... Y/N's voice...


Tears pricked my eyes as I placed the pocket knife on the floor and stood up. I slid my sleeve down to hide my bleeding scar before rushing to the door. I held tears back as Y/N, the love of my life, my savior, stood in front of me.


"Tommy, please listen to me. Yes I used you to fix my future, present thing but believe.. I've changed. I love you more than any of my family. Well I barely know them and I always thought family is the most important thing. Not the point. I love you more than anything in this multiverse. Please forgive me. I can't live without you. Please Tommy... I need you." I talked fast trying to get everything I needed to say out.

Tom stood there. I saw a small tear fall down his cheek before he grabbed my wrist pulling me inside so he could close the door and pin me to it.

"I love you Y/N and you can never leave me again." Tom kissed me.

I couldn't help but melt into the kiss. This is where I belong in the arms of Tom. He was the only one who could make me like this.

"Tommy." I gasped for air when he broke the kiss.

"Promise me you won't ever leave me again. Ever." Tom looked into my eyes. God his eyes are magic.

"I promise Tommy."

"Say it right... please Y/N. I need to hear you say it right." Tom seemed desperate and disoriented but not in a drunken way.

"I promise you that I won't ever leave you again Tommy."

Tom let out a sigh of relief.

"Tommy are yo-" I moved my hands to his arms sliding them down. Tom hissed and pulled away. I froze.

Tom backed away, unable to make eye contact with me. He looked ashamed and embarrassed.

"Tommy..." My voice was low and hopefully comforting.

Tom shook his head, backing away even more. I stepped forward gently raising my hands to show exactly what I am doing. I happened to glance around and saw a knife on the floor in the corner.

"Oh Tommy-"

"Don't pity me L/N."

"Tommy please tell me you didn't... not over me please..."

Tom couldn't look at me. Fuck. Why couldn't I just stay and force us to leave on good terms. Why couldn't I stop this. Fuck... no god please... Not him....

"Tommy no... please no..." Tears pricked my eyes.

"I missed you...." Tom finally looked at me with tears in his eyes.

I shook my head and backed up against the door. Tears plummeted down my cheeks as I covered my mouth to stifle my cries.

Tom moved to hug me.

"I needed you... I'm sorry..." Tom whispered as he hid in my hair.

"No Tommy I'm sorry I never should have left you like I did.. Let me help. This isn't about me, this is about you.. Let me help Tommy."

Tom backed away slightly looking at me with gratitude but also sorrow as he nodded.

I got Tom bandaged up with some healing stuff on his wound. We then laid in his bed and cuddled. We laid in each other's arms for a while till Tom spoke up.

"Doll?" Lord, I've missed that nickname.

"Yes?" I mumbled into Tom's chest.

"I wasn't just going to hurt myself I uh..."

My body tensed up and my eyes widened. Please god no.. He can't love me this much.. Please no..

"I was going to..." Tom took a deep breath.

Fuck Tommy please, god no, you can't love me like this please Tommy.

"I was going to kill myself.." Tom whispered.

Tears pricked my eyes once more as I wrapped my arms around Tom's neck and moved to hug him tightly while hiding in his neck.

"I love you Tommy and I'm never going to let you feel like that is your only option.. Tell me how I can help, please Tommy."

"Just stay with me... I don't care if we fight nonstop and have no more love for each other. Just don't leave."

"I won't ever leave you if you promise to tell me when you feel like doing anything to harm yourself.. Deal?" I backed away slightly to look at Tom who was smiling like a maniac.

"Deal, doll." Tom leaned forward and kissed me.

I love Tom so much, thank god we're together now.

The next morning I woke up with a smile as Tom was laying on my chest snuggled up like a baby. He's so adorable ahh.


Tom groaned and snuggled closer.

I giggled and Tom's head popped up with a big smile.

"Again." Tom demanded moving up my body.


"Laugh again." Tom started to tickle my side and I burst out laughing.


Tom stopped tickling me with a wide grin on his face. How can a man look so good so early in the morning? Only explanation, he's a god. Well looks like one at least.



"Where do you wanna stay?" I wrapped my arms around Tom's neck with a sweet smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want to stay in the 1940s or 2000s?"

Tom's face lightened up. He was like a kid in a candy store who's mom just said they can buy any one thing they wanted.

"You mean I can choose?'

I nod while smiling at how cute he was.

"2000s." Tom said with zero hesitation or moment to think.

"When do you want to leave?"

"Now." Tom dragged me to my feet.

"Can we take a shower first?"

"Doll." Tom whined.

I whined back and gave my signature pouty lips and doe eyes.

Tom rolled his eyes and led me to the bathroom for a nice long, hot, sexy, shower that had me limping.


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