X. a (-incredibly) sorry excuse of a brother

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0010. | A (--N INCREDIBLY)

          Percy couldn't sleep.

          Normally he loved being at sea. The lulling of the water was homely and the sounds reminded him of going to the beach with his mom when he was a kid. Gabe never came to the beach, he hated the sand and screaming kids and spending time with Percy. Not having Gabe there was one of Percy's favourite parts about the beach, besides how good he was at building sandcastles and holding his breath in the water. When he was younger, he thought that those were the things that were fun about the beach, not the fact that his father was a Sea God.

          Tyson loved being at sea. He hadn't said so, but Percy made a pretty sound guess based on how loudly he was snoring over in his hammock.

          Percy laid back, trying to use his arm that he had bent under his head as a pillow as ear plugs too. He huffed, trying to focus on the sound of the waves, not the tinny rings of the metal ship or the snoring Cyclops asleep a meter away from him.

          He figured he'd be sleeping a whole lot better if they were on a sailing boat, not a military ship. He wanted some fresh sea air.

          He huffed again and sat up.

          His arm was creased with red lines and he rubbed them clear. He swung his legs over the edge of his hammock and dropped to the ground. He thudded but it did nothing to disturb Tyson who was snoring away louder than an alarm. He grabbed his duffel bag and slung it over his shoulder. He figured he could use it as a cushion on the deck.

          The corridors were empty, even of the ghosts. He was grateful for that. He really didn't like them. They gave him the creeps.

          He headed the way Octavia had shown them last night to the deck.

          He rounded the corner, and then saw the devil herself.

          Octavia was walking in the corridor, her hair messy from sleep and framing her like a burning halo. He saw the laces on her trainers were undone and scuffed on the ground. The corridor was dark, but her skin was doing that pale glow he liked and lit her hair like a small sun.

          She was coming his way, her navy eyes staring right at him. She had stopped when she saw him.

          "You should be asleep." She muttered, keeping her voice quiet for the sake of everyone else sleeping. "What are you doing up?"

          "Why're you awake?" He frowned.

          "I asked first." She sniped.

          "Tyson snores." He gave in. "What's your excuse?"

          Her eyes fluttered with thought. "Bad dreams, bad thoughts..." She said quietly and glanced to him.

          He nodded understandingly and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I get those too." He daren't ask her what her bad dreams were.

LIAKÁDA, percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now