I. his romance is quickly found and easily lost

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          The Friday before winter break, Percy had to make his way from school to the neighbouring school to pick up his friend Octavia.

          She was on an extraction at his old school, the one he had been expelled from because of a Laistrygonian attack. Apparently there were two possible demigod girls who needed to be taken to Camp. They had been spotted by a satyr pretending to be a sports teacher, Gleeson Hedge or something. Octavia had gone to collect to make the transition as seamlessly as it could go. As a coincidence, that was the same reason why he was going to pick her up.

          They were on another extraction that evening in Bar Harbour, Maine. Chiron figured it would be easier for Octavia to stay in the city rather than coming home in between because Percy's mom was going to give them all a lift. They were going to pick up Annabeth and Thalia on the way.

          He didn't have to pick Octavia up, technically she knew her way to his house from Central Park, she had been there before last summer with his mom, but his mom had made him promise to go get her. Apparently Octavia didn't know the subway system well.

          She was pretty easy to spot, orange haired and dazzlingly under the setting sun. Being so far into winter, the sun was setting sooner and sooner into the day and by the time he had got to her from school, it was beginning to get dark.

          She was sat on a park bench, wrapped up in more layers than he had ever seen her. She had a big pink bobble hat and a massive overcoat that looked like she had borrowed it from someone. He guessed from the fact that it was a man's jacket that it was from one of her brothers, probably James given his typical concern over everyone he ever met. The grey clouds looked like it was about to tempt snow so he hurried over.

          She spotted him right before he slipped on some ice.

          His feet whipped out from beneath him and he thudded onto his bum like he had been slide tackled by Clarisse. He grunted from the jolt but also from embarrassment.

          She snorted and came over to him. "How was your trip?" She grinned and offered her hand.

          He glared at her with red cheeks and accepted her hand. "You're hilarious. You want to walk to Maine?"

          She giggled some more and he stood up properly. They hugged hello like they did every time she had come to visit him in the city.

          When they parted, she reached out to tug his hat further onto his head but he dodged out of the way, already predicting what she would do. He had learned Octavia was very touchy, always hugging or holding someone, or in his case, poking him.

"Nice hat." She said and yanked it down over his eyes.

He swatted her away and pushed it back with a scowl. "I like yours better." He snarked and tugged backwards on her pink bobble so it fell off.

LIAKÁDA, percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now