Going outside the castle

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Ethan POV

We are currently out of the castle, escaped from the castle. This will give my mother a heart attack but at least I will be out for a while. Seriously she can be bit overbearing.

I am not made of glass.

Although I am a child so I can be bit weak, but, I do at least want to know things. Place your trust on me.

This girl is taking me outside of the castle. I can see her black hair and blue eyes.

"Look, Look. Spring fair, let's go shopping. Don't worry it's my treat " She said with a smile as cheerful as child me finding a book I haven't read.

"Wait. How should I call you? " I asked her. I meet twice and don't know her name. Strange situation, how can speak to me so casually.

"My name is Lyra, I am happy farm's daughter " She spoke in a child-like way.

"Don't you mean the daughter of happy farm's owner. And who names their farm with that name " I inquired

She giggled, scratching her head. "Well, you see... I like to think of myself as part of the farm too!"

"To the marketplace," I instructed

She kinda reminds me of myself. I felt a bit lonely in the castle, I know what I wanted. I want to spend time with a person my age.

We ducked into a potion shop, the shelves lined with curious bottles and jars. The shopkeeper was an old woman with a twinkle in her eye

"Well, well, what have we here?" she said, eyeing us with amusement

"Granny, give us some of your potions " The girl asked while pointing her at the old woman

"I prefer to be called witch, you pipesqueak" The old witch scoffed. She is easily irritated.

"What kind of potion you want " I asked

She beamed at me. "Oh, Woody, you worry too much! I know exactly what I want. We'll have..." she paused dramatically, tapping her finger against her chin.

"...one of those truth serums! You know, the ones that make people spill all their secrets." She said while placing both of her hands together while looking at me in an adorable way.

" what secrets do you want?" I asked her.

Truth serum, isn't that too dangerous. I mean speaking truth is dangerous. What if we hear something unpleasent.

Lyra's grin widened. "Oh, all sorts of things! Like who the royal chef is secretly in love with, or what the king really thinks about the new consort. Wouldn't that be fun?"

The old witch snorted. "Truth serum, eh? For two young whippersnappers like yourselves? I doubt you could handle the truth."

"Lyra, No, lot of people will lose their heads " I dismissed it.

It is really dangerous, a lot DANGEROUS.

Lyra pouted, but she eventually relented. "Fine," she sighed."But it would have been so much fun!"

"Trust me, being executed in a very young age isn't fun. " I persisted.

"And why is this potions even lega- allowed " I changed the midsentence.I forgot there is no 'legal' word and meaning in dictonary.

Lyra giggled, the sound like a tinkling bell. "I suppose you're right," she admitted.

"But it's no fun being boring either!" She crossed her arms while pouting.

She had a point. Living a life without fun is boring, but I rather perform these kinds of stunts when I am powerful or has strong influence that guarantee my survival.

The old witch cackled "Permitted, you say? Why, young master, as long as the king disapproves everything is a fair game?"

That was a surprise. I feel like I have underestimated fantasy worlds a lot. It was mistake to be honest and upstanding person in this era with less set of rules. A world without rules, where anything goes as long as the king doesn't forbid it.

Why should he be the one who decides what I do

Survival and influence is the key. I rather be the most influencial and have a happy life rather than being an upstanding person.

Isekai shounen light novels are a lie. Rather, even a genius couldn't survive following ordinary fictional books.

I opened my mouth to argue, but Lyra cut me off. "Granny," she said, her voice sweet as honey,

"what other interesting potions do you have? Something a little less... lethal, ?" Lyra stared at the potions cautiously.

"Lethal?" I interrupted, a sudden thought striking me. "Actually, do you have any healing potions? You know, for cuts, bruises, that sort of thing."

My thought process is increasing slowly. My words are getting so clear and organzied. Suddenly I understood why.

The old witch raised an eyebrow, a flicker of approval in her eyes. "Ah, a wise choice, young master," she said, nodding. "Always good to be prepared for the unexpected."

Being lonely in the castle and staying in my comfort zone has reduced my growth.

I won't have a happy and comfortable life living like this. I want to be influencial and powerful.

Lyra's carefree attitude was both refreshing and slightly alarming. Her disregard for rules and authority could easily lead to trouble. But then again, wasn't she a child.

Oh wait! I am a child too. I sound like hypocrite.

The old witch shuffled over to a shelf and retrieved a small vial filled with a glowing liquid. "Here you go. This should do the trick."

Lyra eyed the vial suspiciously. "Are you sure it's not going to turn us into frogs or something?"The old witch cackled.

"Don't worry, child. This one's perfectly safe. Unless, of course, you're allergic to pixie dust.""Give me five of them " I suddenly asked.

The witch was confused and took the same small vials and gave me 5 of them.

They all look same. Lyra thanked the old witch for her assistance and paid for the potion.

As we left the shop, Lyra skipped alongside me, her curiosity increased. "So, Woody why potions," she asked, "what are we going to do with it now?"

I opened one of the potion and took it closer to my mouth and turned back to her " Oh! it has chocolate taste yummy! " I pretend to drink it. "Really"

Lyra eyes got excited took one of potions and drank it completely. "It was sour. Woody, You lied " She turned her head and muttered 'Hmph'

It seems it was indeed sour taste" Did you feel anything good " I asked.

She shaked her dead

But thinking about that witch. First of all how did the witch refered to me as 'young master'.

I rarely went outside the castle, and there was only one lord near this area and that is me. There can't be another possible lord, so how do she recognized me this instant.

She saw me at the castle, that's the only possibility.

I know if there is a poison or not next few minutes.

This potions doesn't smell weird. I wish I had poison detection smell.

I smiled. "Well, since we have a healing potion in case of emergencies, how about we check out the rest of the fair? I hear they have some interesting games and activities."

Lyra's face lit up. "Oh, yes! Let's go!"

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