Overpowered mother

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Ethan POV

"What you are going to do with that teddy bear " Lyra asked me pointing at the teddy bear I am holding.

"Good question, but for now I guess I keep it " I said while examining the teddy bear.

The design was good. Although I would have prefered a pokemon doll.

"Is that so? " she mumbled, her voice barely audible, feeling a bit disappointed.

I don't know why she is that disappointed. Suddenly I got a brilliant idea

"Here you go. " I said throwing the teddy bear to her and followed it with a " Keep it "

I took adventure book from her " I traded my teddy bear for your adventure book " I explained to her.

Thank you pokemon for the trading idea. Inspiration from the memories of trading Pokémon

Lyra stood there, momentarily stunned, staring at the teddy bear in her hands. Then, a slow smile spread across her face, She clutched the teddy bear to her chest, her eyes sparkling with delight.

Lyra cheeks flushed a deep crimson. She shuffled her feet, her eyes downcast, and a shy smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Thank you, Woody," she mumbled, her voice barely audible.

Why do I feel like a I have a raised a flag. I can feel a death flag approaching.

We both travelled and I have found a dog collapsed on near the alley, it has lot of injuries.

"Oh no! " Lyra grabbed the dog, her face filled with tears as she started crying a bit.

"How cruel humans can be " Lyra raised a finger and touched the dog, a small glow appeared on the dog.

The glow is focused on the lyra's fingers"Here, feel it " She said while moving glowed finger towards my head.

"What? " I asked confused. Her fingers, touched me.

I felt it, the reason how the dog died. I saw the old lady slashing the dog and collecting it's soul. Wait isn't that the same lady we bought potions from.

I feel a prickling sensation in my mind. I felt the danger.

Wait first of all Lyra knows magic, and old murderous lady is running a stall. What kind of fantasy I am living.But then, a scream full of bloodlust ringed, ruining the joyful atmosphere.

A monstrous figure emerged from the portal, it is surrounded in flames, its eyes filled with malevolent intent. It was a fire elemental, a creature of pure destruction, and it was heading straight for the fair.Panic started in the fair as people scrambled to escape the fire elemental.

The stalls were overturned, the laughter replaced by cries of terror. The fire elemental roared in a loud tone, making my ears ringing.

"Fire elemental How?"

"Ethan!" Lyra yelled, grabbing my hand and pulling us towards the castle."We have to get out of here!"

We ran for our lives, dodging falling debris and scorching flames. The heat was unbearable, the smoke choking. But I refused to give up.

Some of the guards and mages have tried using huge amount of water to attack it but it doesn't seem to affect it. Strange.

I had to to live. Can't waste another life.

I caught sight of the fire elemental changing its course, targeting the houses on the outskirts of the fair and engulfing them in flames. Thank god it's not coming for us.

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