Naked AROUND WOMEN(r-18)

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"Ethan, darling," Lucia called out, her voice light and teasing, "you should change as well. We have a noble meet soon, and you can't be in those simple clothes all there."

"Eh? "Ethan blinked, suddenly realizing that he would have to change in the same room. To be fair he had not thought a head. It sure looked like a wet dream, but it was a wet dream he wasn't prepared. So it made him quite awkward. He tried to keep cool

He hesitated glancing at the women around him. Lucia was adjusting hem of her dress, while Kimora was fussing with her hair, and Elara was smoothing out wrinkles in her gown. They were all so absorbed in their own preparations that it seemed changing in front of them was no big deal.

"These women " Ethan cursed under his breath.

As the women began to change, Ethan quickly realized they were doing so without hesitation, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Lucia, Amara, and Kimora all casually slipped out of their outer garments, revealing their smooth, flawless skin. The room was filled with dropping of fabric and the soft, intoxicating scent of their perfumes filled in her nose.

Ethan felt horny by the perfume alone while trying his best to maintain some semblance of composure, but the temptation was too great. His gaze wandered catching occasional gazes of their legs, thighs, and their childbearing hips. His heart raced, and he could feel the heat rising in his loins. It was rising and was painful trying to come out of his pants.

Lucia was the first to notice his struggle. "Ethan, dear, you're turning quite red. Are you feeling alright?"

Ethan tried to respond but his voice caught in his throat. Instead, he gave a nervous laugh, which only seemed to amuse the women further. Ethan removed his shirt as he felt it was too hot.

His body is urging to remove his pant as well as his underwear as he felt his lower region get even more heated. He felt hot.

Amara, noticing his discomfort, couldn't resist a teasing comment. "It's not every day a young man gets to see such... a sight. Don't tease the poor boy further Lucia."

Kimora, leaned in close to Ethan, her breath warm against his ear. "You know, Ethan, it's okay to look. We're all family here, after all. It's it right dear"

He tried to calm himself and turn around but....that was the final straw.

The final straw came when he caught a glimpse of Lucia bending over slightly to adjust her dress giving him a full gaze of eye-candy.

Ethan, now shirtless and struggling to maintain any semblance of dignity, could feel his blood rushing to his face, and worse, his nose. The sudden surge of embarrassment, coupled with the overwhelming allure of the women around him, proved too much for his senses to handle.

The curve of her back, the way the fabric hugged her body—Ethan's mind went blank. His eyes widened, and before he could stop himself, he blurted out, "You all have really sexy bodies..... and your... your plump breasts and... and your asses... they're just so... delicious..."

Ethan could feel the blood rushing to his head, his pulse pounding in his ears. A sharp, overwhelming feeling of lust washed over him, making it nearly impossible to think straight. He quickly raised his hand to his nose, only to find a warm trickle of blood starting to run down his upper lip.

He could feel the warmth rising in his nose, and before he knew it, blood began to trickle down.

The women gasped, and Kimora's laughter turned to concern as she noticed the red stain.

"Ethan! You're bleeding!" Kimora exclaimed, rushing to his side with worry while as ran over him her bra was dropped and her breast shoved in his chest.

"" The nosebleed proved too much for Ethan's body to handle. His vision swam, and with one last burst of blood, he collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

Ethan hit the floor with a thud, his world going dark as the sound of the women's concerned voices faded away. His last coherent thought before he lost consciousness was a mix of regret and satisfaction—regret that he had embarrassed himself so thoroughly and satisfaction that, at least for a moment, he had been surrounded by the most beautiful women in his life.

Amara shook her head, still chuckling softly as she tried to insert her bra. "Well, that was... something. I guess he couldn't handle all the 'eye candy' after all."

Lucia concerned about him knelt beside her son, gently lifting his head. "He's overheated... probably from the shock. Kimora, go fetch some water."

Amara, adjusting her bra and trying to compose herself, looked at Lucia with a mixture of amusement and understanding. "Well, Lucia, men have really strong sexual reactions when they a beautiful women. It's a physical reaction, look at how much erect it and it seems he was affected. Can't blame him, he was a teen afterall"

Lucia's face flushed slightly as she returned. "I see... Ethan was at that where boys became sexually active. Perhaps I should have ensured he was provided with a wife or companion much earlier. Or I should have made him experienced in sex."

Kimora, who had returned with a glass of water and heard the conversation, couldn't help but interject. "Hold on a second. Are we all talking about Ethan's lack of sexual experience? I mean, this was pretty intense for even people with sexual experiences. We teased him too much."

"It was fun teasing him though. Look at that expression, so cute " Amara licked her lips as she gazed at fainted Ethan. She was quite lucky Lucia didn't hear her.

Elara, still too young to grasp the full extent of what had just been said, merely blinked in confusion, her wide eyes shifting between the adults.

When Ethan came to, he found himself lying on a soft bed, a cool cloth on his forehead. Lucia was sitting beside him, her expression a mix of concern and amusement. "Are you alright, my dear?" she asked, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead.

Ethan groaned, covering his face with his hands. "I'm sorry, Mother. That was...humiliating." He said getting up.

Lucia is worried. She rushed to Ethan's side with her face a filled with concern and motherly instinct. "Ethan! Are you alright?" she asked, placing a hand on his forehead as if checking for a fever.

Amara, who had been watching the entire scene with a raised eyebrow, sighed in understanding. "Lucia, I don't think he's sick. I think he's just... overwhelmed," she said, a slight smile playing on her lips. "One would wonder if he hasn't tasted the pleasures of being with a woman yet."

Lucia's face turned slightly red at Amara's comment, though she remained focused on her son. "He's still young, Amara," she said, defending him while trying to hide her own embarrassment.

"I wasn't prepared for that. I guess I will be okay now. This time I won't repeat it" Ethan said as he was mentally prepared for this.

Elara, still innocently concerned, tugged on her mother's sleeve. "Is Ethan Onii-chan going to be okay?"

Kimora chuckled leaning down to whisper in Ethan's ear. "You better get used to this, dear. You are going to have more ladies around you."

As Ethan sat up, still feeling blood dried from his rose. He glanced around the room. 

The women were now dressed in more comfortable yet beautiful dresses. Kimora had changed into a royal yet stylish dress. She was posing for me

 Lucia, having taken the lead in ensuring her son's well-being, was dressed in a modest, elegant gown that highlighted her gracefulness. Amara had opted for a practical outfit

 "I'm sorry about earlier," he managed to say, trying to focus on regaining his composure. "It was just too many beautiful ladies around me half-naked and my mind went "

"Let's pretend that never happened,"  Ethan asked.

The night was a embarrassing but pleasurable night for Ethan. To be frank he himself was glad it happened. But he resolved himself that he should have a bolder approach.

Ethan wanted to make sure he will develop even more resisting and more experienced in the art of pleasures and giving pleasures. It was nothing but simple trouble he faced. With than resolved himself

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