The Honeymoon

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Next morning.

Finally, it was the day of their honeymoon and their holidays.

After such a European Tour, Richard, Till and the others were exhausted. All they needed was a 2 years break off where they can relax and refuel their batteries.

Flake, Paul, Oliver and Christoph Schneider were already on vacation separately. They were with their families and friends.

Avery Lindemann-Kruspe's pregnancy was starting to show and tying her shoelaces was already impossible ! Richard came by.

- No Reesh, let Till tie my shoes please. It will give you naughty ideas and we are alrealy late.

Richard laughs as Till bends over to tie her shoes. They puts their suitcases on the limos trunk. Avery takes her cat and locks the mansion's door. In the limo, she was in the middle of them, Richard put a hand on her thight as Till was offering her a drink. She says.

- I got an eye on you, Mr Kruspe. Don't get me aroused on the way to the airport.

Richard gasps.

- Well, Frau Kruspe, I'm going to enjoy my honeymoon - he smiles seductively.

She laughs.

- I know, Herr Kruspe, but I just want to relax now. The baby is getting bigger, so it means I get tired more easily.

She smiles as she let's Richard rub her thight softly. Of course, he doesn't have to touch her to become aroused, whenever he is around her, arousal is never far away. Till, on the other side, talks a lot with Avery and laughs everytime she tells him a joke. He sighs.

- I must say, out of the three of us, Richard has the highest sex drive.

He laughs as Richard looks at him.

- I have, he says smiling, and I know Avery loves when I'm naughty with her.

She says.

- It's okay, Reesh. You can be naughty whenever you want. I love having sex with both of you.

As soon as she said that, the limo stops. They arrived at the airport. Richard opens the door for her. Till swings Avery into his arms as they board their private plane.

The plane is sleek, black and has the Rammstein logo on it in white. They get seated, Avery sits next to Richard, Till across from them. They switch seats later in the flight when Till needs Avery by his side.

The captain has put on a honeymoon buffet for them
Lobster, steak so tender it melts in the mouth, caviar, champagne, all kinds of delicious food.

- Where are we going ? Asks Avery

- Mauritius, liebling, answers Till.

The pilot congratulates them on their wedding, it's a 12 hour flight, so they will be stopping to refuel, a chance for them to stretch their legs.

As soon as the plane has landed for refuel, Richard takes Avery outside and says

- I know how to have fun. How about a prank on Till ?

She laughs.

- Sounds good.

They get back in the plane as Till was taking a little walk. Richard tells the pilot to starts the plane and blocks the door. He laughs as the pilot agrees. He looks out the window with Avery, seeing Till starting to run as he was banging on the door.


The pilots stops the plane as he opens the door for Till. Richard and Avery were laughing to tears. Till sighs.

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