Welcome to the world, Helena

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March, 15th 2004.

Avery is almost 9 months pregnant, she has a baby girl, she's known it's a girl, but not told Till or Richard. She goes into labour early in the morning at 4am. She goes to the toilet, her waters break, she manages to get back to the bedroom and wakes them both up. Till springs into action, getting dressed, Richard just stares for a moment before Till scuffs him on the head.

- Come on man ! Our wife is having our baby !

Richard springs into action as well and get dressed. Paul heard all the noise and decides to help them. They manage to get her to a private hospital.

- EXCUSE ME ??? OUR WIFE IS IN LABOUR ! Yells Richard as Till and Paul hold her hands.

A nurse ran toward us and takes Avery into a room. She goes into full labour.

9 hours, some cursing and groaning later, the baby was born. It was a girl. Both of them are absolutely gobsmacked - then cry. The baby is 8lbs, has blue/green eyes, shaped as Richard's eyes, Till's shape of face and Avery smile and hair. When Avery looks at her, she can't help but cry after 9 hours of pain, this little human came out of her... She was the result of their love. Paul was next to Avery and looks at Helena. He says

- How is it possible she looks like the three of you ? He asks.

Richard laughs.

- This is the power of genetics. But look, she has our eyes colors mixed.

Paul looks at Helena's eyes and checks Richard's, Till's and Avery's eyes.

- No way ! You and Richard got blue eyes but Till has green eyes...

Avery laughs.

- my sweet Paulie... you always make my day brighter... by the way, I have no brothers or sisters, would you accept being his favorite uncle ?

Paul eyes were full of hapiness. He jumps, full of joy and claps his hands. Helena looks at him and laughs.

- Of course, sweetheart. I would love to be her favorite uncle.

Avery looks at her daughter.

- She's already loving you so much...

Paul holds his niece in his arms and smiles.

- She is so beautiful...

Richard looks at Paul.

- Can I hold my daughter, please ?

Paul pouts.

- Give him Helena, Paul, Avery says.

Paul gives Helena to her father. Richard holds her so close to his heart. His eyes were full of tears. How is it possible he became a father so soon ? He thought to himself "You didn't wear protection, moron". He smiles as he was looking at her, Helena holds his finger in a tight grip and looks at him. She smiles. Richard's heart melts.

Till coughs

- Can I hold her too ? She is also my daughter...

Richard nods and gives him Helena. Helena looks at Till and was intrigued by his green eyes. Till smiles, his eyes full of tears.

- Welcome to the world, Mein Liebe... Your fathers will protect you at all costs...

He smiles and Helena touches his face with big eyes.

Avery says

- Let's go home. I am so tired...

They all agree.

Till and Richard name her Helena Bridgette Lindemann Kruspe after their mothers' name.

Once they leave the hospital, Till and Richard settle Avery at their house and tell her to sleep, and organize a huge baby shower for Avery and Helena.

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