Welcome to the world, babies !

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Avery was lying in bed when she got a call from her Geburtshelfer.

- Mrs Lindemann-Kruspe. We need to see you as soon as possible. One of your twins is sitting the wrong way and cannot be born properly, so we are scheduling a C-Section for you for two weeks time. You're 35 weeks, so your twins have an excellent chance of survival!

Avery was surprised by this turn of events.

- If you think that's necessary, then of course I'll be there. Mr Lindemann is on tour, so Mr Kruspe will be with me, she told her Geburtshelfer.

- That's fine. Do you prefer the spinal block? Or do you prefer a general?

Avery thought. She'd heard a lot about women who had had a spinal block, and then suffered permanent back pain after.

- Can you give me a minute please? She asked him

- Of course! he replied.


Then chuckled as she heard the thunder of steps up the stairs. A few minutes later, he came through the door at a run.

- Mein liebe, are you ok? Is it the babies?

Avery tried hard not to laugh at her beloved's worried face. Putting one hand on his cheek to reassure him, she said

- No meine liebe. I have the gynaecologist on the phone. They are scheduling a C-section for me as one of the babies isn't lying the right way to be born. I've told them that Till is on tour, and you will be with me. They are asking if I prefer a spinal block, or do I prefer a general anaesthetic? I would like to go for a general anaesthetic. Do you agree?

Richard thought for a few minutes. He'd read, the same as Avery, that a lot of women who had had spinal blocks had suffered with permanent back pain for the rest of their days, and he didn't want Avery suffering more than she had to.

Nodding his head, he said

- Yes, go for the general. I'll be with you when you wake up.

Avery put the phone to her ear again.

- Are you still there?

- Yes Mrs Lindemann-Kruspe, I'm still here. Have you decided which one you would like?

- Yes, I've spoken to my husband, and we've both agreed that a general would be preferable.

She heard the tap tapping of a computer keyboard.

- That's confirmed. We would like you to come in in two weeks time. Please come to the Bürgerhospital in Frankfurt as I see that is your preferred hospital at 7am on Friday July 27th. Mr Kruspe is of course welcome. You know there is also a back entrance for you if the press get wind of the imminent arrival of your babies.

Avery smiled.

- Yes, thank you. We are aware of the back entrance to the hospital and we will use it if there is too much press!

- Thank you for choosing us, and we will see you in two weeks.

Her Geburtshelfer hung up, and she smiled at Richard.

He got himself comfortable on the bed, and cuddled into her, kissing her on the head, and then on her neck. Pulling her tight against him, he sighed contentedly.

- Well, in two weeks, Till will have his sons. And, if I'm not mistaken, Adelina will also be close to giving birth. From what she's told Annette, she's carrying a boy, and a big one at that. It's my genetics !

He said as he puffed his chest out.

Avery laughed, turned, and kissed him slowly.

- Well, you are a BIG boy Kruspe! She said as she put her forehead against his.

A journey of a German BoyWhere stories live. Discover now