European Stadium Tour

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Avery, Till and Richard were lounging in the back of the limo as it made it's way to the airport. Once there, Henry bid them safe travels, and they boarded the Rammstein jet. Once settled, Avery went through the curtain at the end, lay on the bed, and closed her eyes, tired from the long lovemaking sessions with her two over amourous husband.

She smiled, she didn't mind, and it was the most delicious way she knew to get tired. Stretching, she fell into a deep sleep.

She was roused a few hours later by kisses on her face. She smiled, reached up and ran her hands over... Richard ! Of course, it had to be she thought chuckling.

Richard stretched out next to his wife, and then cuddled her close.

- Mmmm, come here Frau Lindemann-Kruspe, he murmered.

For once, although he did want to be inside her, surrounded by her moist heat, he tempered that feeling and just lay with her, enjoying the closeness.

Till joined them, cuddling up with her on the other side, so once again, she was in the middle of a Rammstein sandwich. They must have fallen asleep because they were woken by an announcement over the speaker system.

- Mr Kruspe, Mr Lindemann, Mrs Lindemann-Kruspe, we are an hour from Colorado Springs Airport!

They all returned to their seats and put their belts on. The jet started the landing sequence, and 30 minuted later they had touched down. A limo was waiting for them at the airport, and as soon as they were inside, it drove away.

Soon they were on a familiar road. Avery's eyebrows rose into her hairline.

- You're going to James' house ! Why are we going there?

Her husbands looked at each other. They were busted.

- Ok, the reason we're going to see James, is because he has a surprise for you, and that's ALL we're going to tell you !

Richard said smiling Avery smiled.

- Ok guys, guess I'll find out what's going on when I get there!

The rest of the ride was peaceful, passing through some absolutely stunning views and thick wooded areas. They saw a moose which Henry slowed down for as it crossed the road, then stood there looking very regal, its head crowned with antlers. Avery put the window down, and snapped a picture.

The limo slowly gathered speed as it drove away from the moose who went back to eating the various berries around at that time of year. Soon they were pulling into the driveway of James Hetfield, lead singer of Metallica, and one of Avery's crushes.

He was alone this time, and enveloped her in a huge hug that squeezed the breath out of her. Laughing he let her go and shook hands with her husbands.

- I always did know how to make a woman breathless!

He quipped as Avery's lungs filled with air again. She slapped his arm.

- Ouch! Damn woman you hit hard for a small thing! He grimaced, rubbing his arm where she had slapped him.

Avery smirked.

- That's nothing, you should see it when I slap their backsides! They jump up like scalded cats!

- Ahem, ANYWAY, said Till, not wanting Avery to reveal anymore of their secrets.

They trooped into the house, lounging on one of the leather settee, Avery perched on Richard's knee.

- So, Avery, James said, do you know why you're here?

- No, replied Avery, it's been like a magical mystery tour. I like mystery as much as anyone, but what's going on?

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