Act 48 (Ty)

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I hated it when my brother was better at something than me. Obviously I did. I was the older one. However, never before had I been as infuriated as in the moment I saw his smooth tan hand resting on Sarah Archer's shoulder.

"I have literally no idea what you're talking about. Why were you two in detention?!"

"I accidentally hit Mishka's eye, when I threw the paper ball right back at her because she was bullying Christian." Sarah explained nonchalant.

"I forgot to do my homework for the fifth time in a month." David declared proudly.

"I see. You guys are idiots." I straightened my shoulders, as I allowed their words to sink in. Why in the world did I even expect anything less from them? I had known David since the day he was born and as for Sarah, I was more or less Siren's stalker (she insisted on calling me that). Those two truly stole my breath with their senseless behaviour.

I turned to Sarah as she smoothed down the blue skirt of her dress. She began slowly backing away, dragging my gaze away from her wrist that had been decorated by scars. All I could do was groan at the sight of it.

"Anyways Tyson, I didn't know you were dating Sarah. Why didn't you tell me? If I knew, I would have stayed for her birthday."

I noticed how Sarah's dark eyes were suddenly narrowed and frightening once again. My breath was caught in my throat and my heart stood still in my chest. Pursing my lips, I began considering how I was supposed to deescalate this situation. Nobody knew about what Sarah and I were really doing, in order to keep her true identity a secret. Even if it were an accident, David could realise that Sarah Archer was actually the person behind Siren.

I glanced at Sarah, who suddenly began smiling pleasantly. Just a second ago she had been Siren but right now she was back to Sarah. She began giggling joyfully, secretly gesturing to me that she was going to take care of this.

"Me? Oh no, you got this all wrong. Tyson is dating a friend of mine. What you saw was just the result of me tripping over my own two feet."

"Is that so? Does she go to your school then? What's her name? Maybe I do know her after all."

"Alexy. Alexy Carter." I answered loud and clear but apparently my confidence did not carry over to David. He suddenly began eyeing me in a frightened manner. When I asked him what was wrong, he did not know what to say. His hands began trembling in an unusual way. David was scared. His knees fell weak and he began fidgeting with his fingertips.

"Why would you date her!? Have you forgotten what her family has done!?" David suddenly snapped through gritted teeth. My eyes bounced between David and Sarah because apparently Sarah had been just as surprised as I was.

"You actually know her?" Sarah asked carefully.

"Of course I do. Her family basically killed our mother."

The moment David mentioned our mother, I flinched. I started shaking my head rapidly, exhaling one short breath after the other. What was he talking about? Alexy's family was not the reason our mother died. How could they have been? After all, it was-

"What do you mean her family killed our mother?"

"You didn't know Tyson? Her mother was one of your stalkers." David began explaining. Sarah could not follow and neither could I. David was surprised when he found out that Sarah had no idea who our mother was. Even when he said her name, Elisabeth Wood, Sarah did not know who we were talking about. I tried to stop David from telling her the truth but my breath was caught in my throat and besides, David had already been set on telling her everything.

Our mother used to be a great woman. She was a famous violinist. That of course led to her having a strong appearance on the media. People used to call her the Black Rose because of her undeniable beauty. When she got married, of course a lot of her fans were devastated. However, it was not until I was actually born that things got out of hand. You see, I did get the good genes from my mother. I was smart, cunning, handsome and a genius violinist just like her. She had already been stalked before but as I grew up, the same applied to me. I could not go out anymore without risking my life.

She loved us. That was why she fell down this hole of addiction. It became a coping mechanism to her because she gave herself the fault for not being able to protect her own child. When I turned thirteen, we got into a fight because I always wanted to go to a real school. I was tired of getting homeschooled, having no friends aside from David. Even back then we had been living next to Tristan. I never got to talk to him but I saw him go to school every day and play in the garden with his friends.

Admittedly, I went too far. I told my mother that I hated her and that I wished I had never been born as her child. Later that day she hung herself in her bedroom. In her suicide note she only wrote one thing.

I'm sorry

It took some time but eventually the media lost interest in her. After half a year of therapy I was allowed to go to an actual school and live a normal life without having to be worried that someone might kidnap me any time. On the other hand however I cursed myself and the violin for what had happened to my mother. I swore to myself that I would never touch a violin again.


"It wasn't Alexy who did this, you know."

Sarah wrapped her arms around me. David had left just a second ago. I needed some time to digest the fact that Alexy's mother used to be one of my stalkers. David had brought the letters for me that Alexy's mother used to write to me. Well, at least the ones our mother could not burn.

I knew that Sarah was trying to be comforting and of course I knew that Alexy did not have anything to do with all that and yet something did not feel right with me. I met Alexy for the first time at the beginning of the school year. We instantly became good friends and eventually even started dating. Alexy loved me. She had no idea who I was but she loved me, despite having her own worries.

Alexy was perfect. Perhaps even a little too perfect compared to Sarah and yet they hated each other.

"Why did you tell Alexy to go to hell?"

Sarah began nibbling on her lower lip. Even without looking at her, I could tell that she did not feel like telling me for some reason. Her rough hands were trembling or at least that was what I believed.

"Alexy was saying a lot of confusing stuff. In short however she was trying to tell me that she was someone else."


Sarah sighed.

"Alexy is pretending to be me. She said she was Siren."

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