Act 14 (Ty)

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"Don't you have anything to say?" The first period had not even started yet and Tristan was already ready to leave, since he could not stand to see me after what had happened the other night. He leaned against the doorframe and reminded me of how much taller and more dangerous he was than me.

"I'm sorry Tristan. I shouldn't have left you with Luna and I should have told you about the freak and Nikola."

Despite my sincere apology, Tristan was not happy. He simply turned around and left without another word. I liked him, I really did but sometimes he was just too complicated.

When I was on my way to the classroom, I noticed Anthony, who was surprisingly hiding behind a pillar. I quietly sneaked up on him. Gently I moved my index finger down his spine and instantly got a reaction from him. Her jumped and turned around with a red face, as he asked me if I was going crazy. I just shrugged.

I soon noticed how Anthony had been observing Aisha and Mishka, as they were talking to each other. Instantly I understood what was going on.

"They are going to kill me."

"Probably. You got yourself into this mess all by yourself."

"Je sais. You don't have to remind me. Aide-moi s'il te plaît! Go up to them and do your handsome-genius-guy thing."

"Nope, I'm just gonna watch."

Based on the way Anthony looked at me, I could already tell that he was planning on choking me. When I glanced at his more or less muscular arms, I slowly started to regret what I just said but just slowly. Just one look at his face was enough to remind me how much of a baby Anthony could be. His beautiful tanned cheeks always had a touch of blush to them, which made him look rather young and innocent.

"For how long do you plan on staying here? Aisha and Mishka both have a free period."

"Vraiment? Couldn't you say that any sooner!?"

Anthony instantly pulled out his phone and dialled a familiar number. I knew what he was planning on doing and I had a feeling that he would get a good beating for this. I watched as he begged for Kadir to come, who obviously already had an idea what was going on. Nevertheless, Kadir appeared out of nowhere. The moment his grey eyes met mine, he arched an eyebrow. I wanted to tell him what was going on but Anthony did not let me have the fun of doing so. He went down on his knees and asked Kadir to help him out just this one time. Kadir sighed, as he put his dark hair up in a ponytail.

Swiftly he made his way towards Aisha and Mishka. His steps were small and careful. He never stepped on a single line. Once Mishka noticed him, she could not help herself from smiling. Aisha on the other hand surprisingly rolled her dark eyes for a second, before she started mischievously smiling as well. Her smile seemed pure and seductive because of her red lipstick that perfectly brought out her dark skin.

Anthony was rooting for Kadir from far away. He was more excited than a small child on their birthday, which was kind of unsettling, considering what he did to those two.

"You're awful."

"Ce n'est pas ma faute! Besides, Aisha is a bitch as well. Tous les jours she talked shit about Louis even though she knows nous sommes des amis. You know the saying. French bros before hoes."

"First of all, you cheated, not she. Second, Louis isn't even French. He's American. Just because you don't pronounce the s in his name, doesn't mean he's French."

"His mom is."

"His mom ran away from home at the age of eighteen. She's from Canada. Louis can't even speak French properly."

"I'm sorry monsieur valedictorian. Just because you're better in French class than he is, doesn't mean he doesn't speak French properly."

"Whatever. Look, they are gone now. Let's just get going."

As we walked into the classroom, Anthony would not shut up about how mad he was at Aisha. Once I saw Alexy, I rushed to her because I could not stand Anthony anymore. I greeted Alexy with a passionate and yet innocent kiss. She pulled me in without caring that some of the other students were watching us, especially Luna. I believe she even enjoyed the jealous sparkle in Luna's eyes, as she pulled the freak out of the classroom.

Even Bella and Laura, Aisha's two best friends, gasped when they saw us. While Bella was obviously rooting for me as precious as she was, Laura tried to stay true to her vampire persona and just silently judged me. She acted coldly and simply stared at us. Her black bustier top always made me wonder how she never got dress coded.

"Do you have any plans for today? We could get something to eat after school." Alexy offered. I nodded cheerfully.

Eric was a little disappointed that we didn't walk home together but he could not argue with me, since I was still mad at him for lying to Christian. Once I mentioned that, Eric suddenly became rather interest in the white wall of our classroom. He dodged every question I asked him until I gave up. Kadir did not really understand what we were talking about but he did not seem to care a whole lot in the first place.

Most of the time he was too focused on the article about the new strategy everyone used in Seeker. Lately Siren had been using Healers a lot and always followed after Sam, when he chose to play a Dragon. The key aspect of the strategy was probably the fact that Samira would go to the middle lane as a Shadow Mage. That way their team would have control of that lane, which was the most important of the three that were in the game. Perfecting that strategy could have been the key to winning the junior tournament in Seeker.

"What gives if Christian came instead of Nikola? He and Sarah are friends anyways." Eric pointed out as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which was not the case at all.

"You're joking aren't you? Just to remind you, she's a girl. Besides, as if Christian would be friends with her."

"Why not Tyson? She's a nice girl."

"Yeah sure. The freak? Forget it. Why do you think people call her that? She's crazy! She threw a paper ball right at Mishka's face and hit her in the eye."

"And Mishka didn't do anything worse than that to a certain other person?" Eric arched his eyebrow and I had to realise that this really was not a good argument. I cautiously waited for Kadir to help me out a little. He soon picked up on my hints and sighed.

"She sleeps in class, she's always late, she puts on so much perfume that you can't breathe next to her, she barely manages to pass any of her classes and most importantly, she told the amazing and absolutely gorgeous Alexy Carter to go to hell." I noticed the irony at the end and even lightly punched Kadir but at least he said what needed to be said.

"I don't get why you're trying to protect her. She's a freak. I'd rather not want to be near her, even if my life depended on it."

I did not see the anxious looks on Eric's and Kadir's faces in time. Just after I finished giving my speech, I realised that something was wrong and I had a feeling I knew what was going on. I turned around and there she was. Sarah Archer, the freak, right behind me. She had this devilish smile on her face, as a salty tear ran down her perfect dark skin. Before I could even react, she slapped my face and simply left.

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