Act 0 (Ty)

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... I told a lie.

I like games. There is something magical about them that I can't put into words. Games helped me out in my darkest days. There were countless games I enjoyed. Some were shooters, others were RPGs. No matter how much time I spent in that virtual world, I never grew tired of it. Some people might even have called me addicted.

Life is a game as well. The obstacles you need to pass are called 'society'. A game that isn't fair at all. Players aren't equal. Some are born rich, others are born poor. Some have physical advantages, while others don't. The moment you are born, your future is already laid ahead for you. I understood all of that way too late.

The story I want to tell today is a little different than what most people would expect. The thing is, this story isn't actually about me. No, this story is about her. The girl no one ever noticed. A side character in a story or rather an NPC in a game.

The girl I'm talking about taught me how cruel life can be. She opened my eyes to all the injustice in our world. This garbage we call reality. I understand now why she tried everything to get away from it. Looking back on it, I'm glad we met. I'm glad we got to know each other. I'm glad I fell in love with her. 

Perhaps it was my mistake that things ended the way they did. I should have known that what she needed at that time was not a lover but rather a friend. Someone who would have stayed by her side, no matter what. I always knew that I never got to understand her. I never got to feel the pain she did. I never suffered the way she did. I never saw the world the way she did.

She didn't need to be saved. She needed to be found and appreciated for exactly who she was. At first I was entirely unaware of it. Just like everyone else, I couldn't make out the lies she told. If somebody ever asked me what talents she had, I would have told them two entirely different things and one would have been lying because she didn't just fool me, she fooled the entire world, including herself.

Say, what did I look like to you, when we first met? Did you think of me as a monster or perhaps as a friend? The past is the past and the present is the present. I made a lot of mistakes and surely you weren't any better than me. Still, I want to save this delusion where you could have been happy if only I had chosen a different path. Now you're gone and I'm the only who really knows what happened.

Out of all the idiots in this world, surely I must be the king and you won't be my queen anymore.

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