Chapter 104 - Gone

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Eve could feel the blood draining from her features

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Eve could feel the blood draining from her features.

'Mom! The chief is missing! Mom! Chief is missing! Chief. Is. Missing!' it echoed through her thoughts. But it was as if these words were crashing down on her like hammer blows.

"What...?" she stammered, and Eve tried to pull herself together to suppress the shock and the dark suspicions that overcame her.

Ryker, who had heard everything and kept quiet until now to avoid disturbing her, turned on his heel and walked hurriedly towards the doghouse. His head kept moving up and down, his gaze scanning the forest and returning to the ground at his feet.

Eve's mind raced, then she pulled herself together and took a deep breath.

"Take it easy, honey," she said, and though Eve's voice sounded soft and calm, those words couldn't calm her heart. "The doggie flap was open. It stormed tonight; I'm sure Chief is just in the house."

She stroked her son's hair, straightened up and put her thumb and forefinger to her lips. The shrill whistle broke through the veil of morning noises.

"Chief! Come to heel, Chief!" she ordered loudly, hoping Liam didn't hear that her voice sounded an octave too high.

'He didn't do that. He wouldn't do that,' she told herself. Still, her throat tightened. It felt like a scratchy rope around it, slowly but surely tightening. A dark foreboding was building in her stomach, although her heart and mind were fighting it with all their might. 'Dylan wouldn't hurt our dog. He won't go that far.'

But there was another, dark voice of doubt inside her, whispering, 'What if he does? Dylan is a Navy Seal. He's prepared to do anything to achieve his goals. He hunted you down here. He creeps around the house like a stalker. What if Chief got in his way? He even kills people ... why would he shy away from a dog?'

What if Chief was lying in the bushes somewhere now ... Maybe shot? Or with a broken neck? And they hadn't even noticed until now? Maybe he'd been lying somewhere since last night? Why hadn't she noticed?

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