Chapter 45 - Cracks in the Shell

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Eve saw Ray's shoulders sink lower

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Eve saw Ray's shoulders sink lower. Almost in sync with this, his chin and gaze dropped again and drifted into the distance. Eve heard him mumble as she slipped out through the door.


Riona's voice came from the side so suddenly that Eve almost jumped in fright.

"Oh... sorry... I always forget..." Ri mumbled, looking apologetic. Her hair was tousled, and her pajamas hung a little askew and were buttoned at one button. It had obviously been a very long night in the bar. "Is everything all right?" the young blonde asked, her gaze visibly sliding toward Ray's room.

Eve opened her mouth but then closed it again and nodded slowly.

"It's all right. Ray's not feeling too well today. I'll take care of it. Go back to sleep," she grabbed Rio's shoulders and spun the young woman around on her bare feet, gently pushing her back inside her room.

She heard another murmur, the door clicked behind Riona, and Eve's smile dropped slightly. Her heart was heavy as she descended the stairs and met Liam's gaze, who had now made more mess than help in the kitchen.

Eve still forgot that at home, Liam had always known what belonged where - but here, he had to open almost every cupboard and ended up just putting things in the wrong place or back on the kitchen counter. But she couldn't be angry with him; at least he was trying.

"Is Ray angry?" the boy asked in a strained voice, his gaze sliding almost nervously to the stairs. She saw the small glimmer of... Worry. And she knew the source of that concern. Eve's heart immediately grew even heavier, and she quickly took her boy in her arms to calm his rising anxiety.

Dealing with this issue, soldiers and the aftermath of their trauma... He was simply too young for that. He was too young for a lot of things in this world, and Eve would have liked to keep him away from the evils of the world forever so that he never had to experience those things. That was all she had ever wanted: for Liam to be happy.

"No, my darling. He's not angry," she said lovingly, kissing her son on top of his head. She saw how he looked at her, and as if he could sense her quiet thoughts, he reached out and placed his hand on her cheek. Where the scar began, and her field of vision had long since blurred.

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