t h i r t y - s i x

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A knock was heard and the dip that was once felt on the bed disappeared. The doorknob turned and swiftly the door was opened, "hi dad."

A curt nod was sent before the older man pushed past him, deeper in the room. "Jiho, my dear, are you okay?"

The weakened girl smiled as she nodded at him, "yes, Mr. Choi."

"Nonsense, we're family now. Call me dad," his stern voice turned softer.

She tried to look appreciative, but her face turned a bit sour. As her eyes looked up she spotted that Jongho had occupied the space next to his father, so she tried to sit up and look more presentable, but winced as the pain in her chest was constricting her. San was next to her in a second, helping her up by holding her arm in his, but she couldn't help but flinch out of his touch. She fought herself but ultimately straightened and faced the two men at the foot of her bed.

"Sorry, yes father." He seemed pleased with that, as he looked around the room again, but her eyes caught sight of Jongho's cautious gaze fixed on his brother. Glancing at him as well, she noticed him taking something out of his pocket before placing it back inside his pocket quickly.

"Son," Mr. Choi's voice called out, "where is the nurses? You can't possibly allow your wife to feel better without frequent checkups!"

San's neck hairs stood up at the studding voice of his father but swiftly turned around, just as Jiho was about to speak. "Of course father, they just left a bit ago since it's very late. They'll be here early in the morning."

His father didn't like what he heard but scoffed and looked away from him to focus on Jiho. She was trying her best to cope with the pain that she dealt with only just two nights prior. The constant headaches and nausea she was feeling were really starting to get to her as she was sleeping almost all day from the fatigue alone. This was the first day she even allowed guests to come as it was usually only her and the nurse since she was released. San although was sleeping in the house was not around her almost at all. He would only be near her when the nurses requested answers from him about her condition, he spent most of his day working in his home office.

She would usually feel annoyed that he was ignoring her, but she couldn't lie when she ultimately felt relieved at that fact. His eyes barely looked at her and she could only see glimpses of him as he would usually walk in late at night and stare at her, trying to see if she was in need of anything. His silence was deafening and she doesn't think she's heard him utter a full sentence to her since she's been bedridden. Snapping out of her own head, her father in law was done speaking and was bidding his goodbyes.

"I'll see you soon, dear. Make sure to update me on your condition, your parents are very worried that you aren't allowing guests, but I already informed them you need rest. When you are ready, I will send them
over, I just needed to see you first." She nodded at him, and he did too before standing up and dusting off his knees and turning to his sons. San was busy not looking at anyone, just looking down and fiddling with the thing in his pocket while Jongho stared daggers at him. "Boys," both snapped their eyes back to the old man. "I'll be leaving now. Jongho come on, we have work to do, let's leave these two alone. San, you still are allowed until this Friday for your break to take care of your wife. I'll see you on Monday in the company, got it?"

"Yes, father." He nodded at him before gesturing for Jongho to follow him out the door. The youngest did so while still looking at San with disgust filling his gaze, but San still wasn't looking at him. When the door clicked behind them, San sighed and looked away towards the master bathroom connected to his room, back facing Jiho. She briefly looked at his frame before she also looked away, the silence suffocating both of them. After a moment, San turned around, looked at Jiho for no more than a second before he uttered, "I will be in my office. Ring the bell if you need anything."

She was about to say something but he was too fast. She watched as he closed the door behind him, leaving her alone again. Just like the beginning. Turning away, she tried to get some rest but was wincing as she tried to find a better position for her to sleep in.


Rushing down the hallway to his office, San was caught by a hand on his wrist. "What did you do?"

The growl in his voice wouldn't usually scare him, but he was in need to get away from this situation as quickly as possible. Shoving away his hand, San couldn't to walk towards the door, nearing the office by inches before he was stopped again.

"San, I'm serious, what did you do?" Jongho stood in front of him, stepping between the door and the hurried man.

San scoffed, "what do you mean by that? I did nothing!"

He was fiddling with the item in his pocket again, but Jongho couldn't seem to care because his brother's silence was starting to irritate him. "I know you're lying. You're the reason she's in this situation aren't you?" His voice grew lower as he stared dangerously at his brother.

San scoffed again, "do you hear yourself, Jongho? Why would I be the reason she's in this situation? What could have I possibly done, huh? You heard her yourself she was reckless on the road. I had nothing to do with it."

Jongho was not convinced, even with San's fake persona of mock confidence. He narrowed his eyes at him before stepping eerily close, "if I find out that you have even the slightest correlation to why she's in that bed in that condition right now, you're done for Choi San."

San smirked, also stepping closer, towering over his brother as he inched his face until they were nose to nose. "Why are you so concerned about this, little bro? You got a crush on my wife?" He snickered at him, making the younger's face twist with anger.

Jongho grabbed San's arm, grasping it tightly in his hold as he brought him impossibly closer, whispering darkly in his ear. "Take care of your wife, San, or it'll be the last time you ever see her again."

San just laughed, acting as if the vice grip Jongho was giving him wasn't making him lightheaded. Eventually the younger pulled away and walked out of his view, in the direction San just came from. San looked at his retreating frame and tsked as he cracked his neck and carried on his way to the office, much angrier now.

Slamming the door behind him, he took out the phone from his pocket, both annoyed and concerned at the lack of replies he was receiving. "Why isn't he responding?" he whispered lowly to himself as he clutched his phone close to him and waited some more, trying to distract himself with work or anything really.


a/n: what do we think! tell me everything i wanna know what u guys are expecting or predicting 👀 hope u enjoyed tho!! i love you all smmmm💋🫶🫶

until next time loves!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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