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The morning settled quickly, and I awoke by footsteps and I get ready as quickly as I could. Dressing in a light brown dress, I place my apron over to not get it as dirty. My back hits my bedroom door when it closes and I am faced with Ugene's bedroom. My heart leaps out of my throat when passing through other maids when traveling downstairs, and looking where every possibility that Ugene could be.

Down in the basement was busy, everyone was prepping for the morni by shift and getting ready for breakfast for themselves and then the Queen and King. Tidying up laundry, I fold the clean ones while separating them from the dirty ones where Beth is supposed to pick up to clean.

Beth. Ugene. Our kiss.

My hands fist the sheets that need to be folded, but I cannot get myself to do so because all I can think about is how I kissed Ugene whom Beth picked to become her husband.

A presence lingers near, and a sudden cough brings me back to reality, and I am met with Beth. Beth. Goodness.

I avoid eye contact at all times, and she coughs again, eyeing me. We haven't spoken since our fight, and it has my heart aching. I wish I could apologize but it would not clear up what I have done to her.

"Good morning, Josephine," her voice is clipped when she speaks, and she is busy gathering all the dirty clothing.

"Morning," my voice is soft, and I am tense. I try to focus on folding, but my mouth always trickles back to last night. Where Ugene had me backed up against my door, and kissed me with such a passion that let me know he wishes to do that for some time.

We fall silent once again, nothing but tension fills the room and I catch the eyes of the other maids whom notice the ache between us, and speak with their eyes.

"I wished to speak to you yesterday after our fight. You were gone," Beth now speaks, and I gulp down my fear.

I was gone. Gone with Ugene out in the village having the best time of my life, and here I was standing before my sister trying to fake a smile acting as if I did not stab her in the back.

"I went out to the village for sightseeing," a lie slips through my lips and my shame eats me alive.

"I must say the words I had spoken to you were awful." She shakes her head, looking down in shame. "I apologize, only if you accept it. I said cruel things that I did not mean, it was the heat of the moment a-and-"

"I know, Beth." I send a smile, placing my hand over her shoulder, afraid she would freak out from my sudden touch, but she breathes out, sharing a soft smile. "All if forgiven."

"Hug?" Her eyes hold an innocence that I have not seen since we were children, and I nod eagerly, tearing up in the heated moment. Her arms surround me, and I squeeze her for dear life. I cannot help but smile, and chatter is all around us from the maids that are now back to speaking since everything is okay with us.

I continue to smile until it drops when familiar heavy footsteps make their way downstairs, and Ugene is presented and he buttons his shirt, earning gazes from the other maids whom cannot keep their mouth shut.

Ugene looked different, he glowed today. Any other time he would be dull, but still dangerously beautiful. Today, he was alluringly beautiful. His skin glowed in the morning sunlight and it has me weak in the knees, and I am happy that Beth is holding onto me.

His eyes filter over all of the maids, seeming to be looking for a certain person. His eyes set on me and linger, my breath hitches, and I am squeezing onto Beth much longer which has her giggling against me.

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