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Weeks have blurred between the lines, and I have not found out what that great surprise means. During me and Ugene's lessons begin with the German language, and ends to us kissing against the tree in secret, sharing stories, and I am well blinded by my feelings, and if this is how Serena and Arabella felt, then I would say we were heading off to the right track.

Through those weeks, I have been taught how to handle a sword, back to the shack again for some wine and dancing. Laughter and happiness was really spent throughout those weeks and I wish we could travel back to those times.

Ugene showed his care through his touch, he wished to always touch me somehow and every now and then he would kiss me, a toe curling kiss.

Closing my book as our kiss deepens, his tongue eats me alive and I'm all at his mercy. His pocket watch makes a sound and it has him sighing against me, dropping his head.

"I am afraid we must go. Jaxson has called in a meeting with the others and I am to be present," Ugene exclaims, caressing my cheek, eyeing my lips as if he cannot get enough. "We shall meet later, alright?"

He was speaking about us leaving tonight to go back to the village for a nightly fun of dancing and drinking wine.

I nod, perking up at the idea. "We shall."

He helps me stand from my spot, and dusts off the dirt from my dress. He holds my books, no longer allowing me to carry anything but his hand. I bite into my bottom lip to keep from smiling so hard, but Ugene meets my eyes with his own dashing smile, I cannot help but micmic him.

Anyone from a mile away would think we were a freshly married couple coming home from their honeymoon, but no, we were just secret lovers that did not know when to tell the world about us.

Upon arriving to the palace, I let go of Ugene's hand in fear of Beth finding us together and he furrows his brows at the motion. He was brave enough to let the world know about us, but not me.

"Ugene," A gentleman whom looks older, smiles from a distance to the courtier beside me. He tenses at the mention of his name and he turns back into his soldier-like self. Ugene turns, growing stiff by the minute, and hands me my books. I cannot help but feel confused and he walks away without so much of a word to me.

The older gentleman gazes upon me before his attention gets stolen, and he pats Ugene on the back. They seem to know each other, but it seemed as if Ugene did not like him.

They wander off, as the gentleman says such things to Ugene whose face is now red as ever. With a confused expression, I open the side door to the palace and enter.

The maids of the kitchen are gossiping, and I notice Beth cutting food for dinner tonight. I try avoiding her at all costs, but she finds me first and gasps.

"Josephine, come. Help me with this. We have to be prepared this evening for dinner. The King has requested to make this dinner the best for Mr Chesire," she explains and I take the spot beside her, placing my book on the table.

"Mr. Chesire?" I repeat and she nods.

"Mr. Chesire, Ugene's father."

Everything echoes around me, and I am suddenly slapped in the face with reality. I was confused more than anything. I remember Ugene telling me he had no family, but suddenly his father is now in the picture having dinner with the royal family?

"You do know that is the same gentleman who was the King's father's courtier at the time of his moment of being King."

"I did not know," I murmur quietly, cleaning my hands in a clean bowl full of water, and start cutting the lettuce. "Ugene carried the legacy, I assume?"

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