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12 known languages on my lists of things to know. My next language to learn would be German. It was a tricky language, a tongue twister, if you wish to call it.

During my break, I find myself alone and content with myself in studying different languages of the world. We had a lot of travelers that came to Lockwood, I never wished to make anyone uncomfortable. I wanted more for the people with a language barrier, I wished to be their friend.

I started this choice of intelligence when I was a young girl. Seeking comfort in studying a language. Mother was proud, she could not believe I found time in my life and the patience to conquer what I have taught myself.

Nolan was a wit just like me, he studied the form of art until he had to become the man of the family, and help mother when she fell sick.

Beth, well, I never knew of her likes of things. She never really shared her dreams nor feelings to the family. Beth had other plans, other dreams that did not belong with the family nor I. I guess you could say her dream was to become wedded with another so she could escape.

"Josephine, do not tell me your nose is another book," another maid of the palace teases me who tags along with Beth whom stands crossed armed, watching me set down my book and focus my attention on the two.

The other maids now surround me, they are all in for gossip if they can get their hands on it. My face burns red, my body feeling hot when realizing I've gained attention.

"She has this thing," Beth announces, gazing at me. I nod along with her words as she continues. "She wishes to study different languages, she has been doing it since she was a girl. A waste of time, really."

When I believe for a second she will take up for me, or atleast compliment me, she stands with the other ladies and bashes me.

A pang in my chest hurts, I rub the part where it hurts the most and realize it is my heart.

I shake off the feeling, knowing she does not really mean it.

"I think it is rather lovely that you have found such a hobby as this. What are you learning as of now?" Another maid whom speaks little to me, but has always been kind.

I flip through my book, replying. "German, though it is not the easiest language I have learned. Quite hard."

"German?" Beth retorts to which I nod.

The maid beside Beth whom has become quite close with my sister's eyes shoots up and her face holds an idea that has come to her mind. This could not be good.

"German." The maid now smiles, grabbing my sister's arm and showing off their friendship. Beth would never let me touch her like that. "I happen to know someone whom could help you study. A tutor, perhaps?"

"A tutor?" My brows furrow, and the maid that has been nice to me before eyes Beth's lady friend like she knows where this is leading to. Definitely was not good.

Beth's eyes now hold a look of knowing and a smile reaches her lips. She sets her sights back on me and she holds my stare. "Yes, a tutor would be good for you. It would help you not be so lost."

"P-Perhaps?" I was still so confused.

Beth's friend speaks. "Ugene knows German. He is German. He can help you, I am sure of it."

Ugene Chesire? As in the King's courtier?

I show a look of panic and Beth comes to the rescue and braces her hands on me to calm my nerves. Blowing out a breath, I shake my head.

"It will be easy, you two are the King and Queen's courtiers. You shall speak, you do speak, correct?" Beth then asks.

No. We do not speak at all, and I would prefer it that way.

We hear knives slicing through the air, and my head flies back to catch the source of the sound. Yelling from afar is loud, and more knives are slicing.

Guards are running as Ugene stands before them with his hands over his hips. His shirt is tight against his back, which shows his muscles that proved how hard he worked for the palace. He was a tall gentleman, but not only that, but he was the top guard who ran the palace basically.

He was close to the King, he was quiet, he could sneak up on you in a heartbeat and you would never hear it. Like a predator catching its prey, he would eat you alive.


I look back to Beth, her eyes are on Ugene. Her eyes have softened, and she has that look of yearn- wishing for his attention, just once.

I felt bad for my sister. I wish she would just go speak to him, I am sure he would not slice her throat for speaking.

But it is Ugene Chesire.

"I am sure he will not reject your request. He is kind, I am sure of it," Beth shares with a smile, cutting her eyes to Ugene. He still does not look this way, his attention is solely on the guards who are in training.

"But he is quite scary, Beth," I whisper, my fingers cutting my skin with how much anxiety this was causing me to feel.

Beth grabs my shoulders, leading me away from the lurking ladies who wish to hear the drama of the Lockwood palace. Beth is now giving me a look of pleadment, which has me looking down in shame.

"This will help you learn German, and you can share the news of me. Help me, please, sister." My head finally looks up, almost giving me whiplash at hearing her call me sister.

In all my years...

She's never called me her sister.

"You really wish for him, don't you?" My voice is light when asking her, and she nods at me. She picks at her nails, nervously, and cuts her eyes to him again.

"He is everything I have ever dreamed of. Even though I do not know him personally, I just know he will give me the life any lady deserves."

My eyes flicker back over to the tall, looming gentleman and my body lets out a large sigh.

"Please, Josephine. I know we have not been close, but this will bring us close. I know it. You will be helping me retrieve a husband," she explains, taking my hands in hers, squeezing them tightly. "And I will be able to return the favor as well."

My cheeks turn pink from the speaks of a husband for me. I shake my head, disapproving.

"A husband will be wonderful for you, only for you," I tell her. Looking back at Ugene, his body moves swiftly as he fights a guard while the others stand in place- terrified of the fast paced gentleman whom knows how to kill a man.

Ugene cuts the guard whom he is fighting, and the guard hisses until Ugene races to his face to bash harsh words to the poor man.

"Perhaps, another day though?" I let out shaky words before slipping through Beth's fingers and leaving the ladies to gossip about the actions that have taken place.

There was no way. No way, I could speak to Ugene without so much as crying.

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