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At the tree, I find comfort and peace away from the palace. My books are open and I am close to escaping reality, but my tears keep me humbled between reality and fiction. Before I can process anything, I am somehow finding the book Ugene had written for me to study the German language and a sad smile falls against my lips.

My fingertips trace over his writing before propping the book open for a study session by myself. I mouth the words to certain words before speaking out loud, pretending as if I was talking to someone who had traveled here and wished for someone to translate for them.

Time goes by in the blink of an eye, and I am too focused on learning new words by myself. I did not realize the looming presence that has casted itself over the hill and standing before me. Looking up, I close my book quickly, fisting the book.

"Do not look so frightened to see me." A chuckle falls from Ugene's lips, but his eyes hold a pain that strikes through him knowing that I was terrified of his presence nearby. He takes a leap of faith, walking near and sitting alongside me against the tree. This felt like deja vu and it makes me wish I had not put him through this much pain and never kissed him back that night.

I would have regretted my actions if I did not.

The times I spent with Ugene were not regretful, those were the best moments of my life and I would give anything to have it back.

"Where is your pretty boy?" He suddenly lets out, knowing the King had disapproved and broke this false act up. I scoff, knowing he is making fun and I go to pack my things, but he stops me by placing his hand over mine, shaking his head. "Kidding!"

"Do you still have feelings for him?" He adds, his amusement long gone and now his poker face is back.

"Ugene, stop this," I begged him, closing all of my books and packing my things up.

"Why are you leaving on my account?"

"Because I was having a relaxing evening before you chose to ruin it by speaking to me and asking me such questions. I just wish to read and study in silence." He nods to my words.

"Fine, I will keep quiet," he mutters.

"Promise?" He nods and I open my book back to where I had left off, leaning against the tree, but I was not reading, I could not focus on anything but the close proximity that we have overlapped with each other.

I hear him sigh, getting quite comfortable in his new position now laying down underneath the tree, laying on his side, gazing through my soul. I try avoiding his gaze at all costs, but his stare is overpowering me.

He sighs again, trying to gain my attention and I look up now with a glare. "What?"

"I wished to thank you for last night..." He lets out and it shocks me because for a second, I thought he was going to tease me about Rafe. He licks at his bottom lip in thought. "And apologize for acting so rash."

"Let us just forget it ever happened, alright?" I avoid his gaze once more until he scoffs.

"But I cannot." He raises up, growing close. He shakes his head, not liking my choices of words. "You are not going to throw us away just because of a pretty boy with a title. Choose me, I can make you happy. Not him."

I take a stand, carrying me things because quite frankly, if he keeps begging, I will end up crying or doing something much worse.

Just breathe, Josephine.

My back is facing him as I walk away from his being. A strong grip latches onto my arm, pulling me to his body that is now standing; chasing after me. My chest meets with his, he does not give me a choice on denying him- he is so quick, he is not hesitant when attacking me with his lips.

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