Chapter 16: Liam (Spicy)

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Carrying the cooler out to the boat I take a breath of relief. Glad I wasn't the only one that can destroy a picture frame but sad that Lexi felt that she had too. I am saddened by what she went through when she was in Washington but I need to brighten her day like she does my life.

When I get back to the back porch I see Lexi standing in the kitchen sipping on her coffee. She is perfect for me. Her long hair is thrown up in a bun sunglasses perched on top of her head, a long flowy dark red dress but I can see the bikini tied around her slender neck.

She turns my way when I walk in the back door I smile at her, "Do you have everything for Judge?" I ask her.

"For coming or staying?" She asks.

"Coming of course. Have you taken him out on a boat yet?"

"I've never been on a boat." She says.

"Really? Well we will have a great time and I have stuff if you start to feel sick so it won't get bad." I say glad I remembered to supply the first aid kit before coming out here.

"What does he need?" She asks tilting her head like Judge does.

"Food, a leash and his water bowl." I say reaching down and grab his water bowl emptying it in the kitchen sink.

"Do you have sunscreen or tanning lotion and a hat?" I ask her while I grab the bag she has packed of Judges stuff slipping it on my shoulder.

"Yeah I have my own bag. Is this too much stuff? I mean I've never packed bags for a date." She sounds so nervous almost like she is panicking.

"Totally normal for a boat trip. You could pack more if you want I wouldn't mind at all Lexi." I say hoping I can settle her nerves.

"Let's head out I want to show you something special to me." I say grabbing her hand that doesn't have her coffee leading her out the house Judge following along.

"Wait I have to lock up!" She says rushing back inside.

After a minute she was back with her keys and my coffee I forgot on the island.

"Thanks!" I say grabbing my coffee and her hand again leading her to the pier.

Helping her on the boat first I watch Judge to see if he will need my help he watches the boat cautiously then jumps in with no issues.

"Good boy Judge. Take a seat Honey and get comfortable while I untie the ropes and get us on our way." I say smiling. I am so excited to share this time with her.

I watch her closely as she gets her barings seeing her take the time to make sure Judge is comfortable as well as taking stock of her surroundings.

As I guide the boat into the cove I see Lexi has relaxed a bit moving to the back of the boat watching the water while Judge lays at her feet. When I see a smile cross her face I follow her graze when I see the dolphins playing off in the distance.

Dropping the anchor I grab the back of my shirt lifting it over my head when I hear Lexi gasp. I smirk at her. Thank fuck she is attracted to me.

"Want to eat lunch before we swim or after?" I ask her.

I watch as she gulps before answering, "After."

I move near her taking her hand helping her stand. As she goes for the bottom of her dress to lift it above her head I force myself to move to the back of the boat to lower the stairs. I cannot move too fast, I do not want her to think I only want sex. I want everything but I can wait on sex.

As I turn back to face her I feel my knees go weak. Fuck she is perfection. The bikini top doesn't show off too much and the bottoms show off her tone legs without showing everything. Who knew modesty was far sexier than skimpy.

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