Chapter 22: Liam (Spicy)

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I see Lexi deep in thought. I hate this for her. It feels like everytime she is on top the ground crumbles under her but when all the dust settles she is still standing and I love that about her.

"What's on your mind Beautiful?" I ask her breaking her from getting trapped in her own mind.

"What I did to deserve your kindness." She says like it's a puzzle she can figure out.

"What do you mean? Why can't it just be because we're meant to be together?" I ask.

"It has to hurt you to talk about Bash. We always talk about me but we never talk about you or Cara." She whispers. Fuck I have focused so much on her I never considered how that would come across to her.

"To be honest I didn't know you wanted to hear about her. I don't ever want to hurt you. Talking about Bash doesn't hurt me anymore. After we went over your research all my anger shifted to Cara. Which Ronnie and I called Lil." I say sitting next to the tub thinking about what else to say about Lil.

"Why would you be angry at her? Bash was the lair. So what his reasons. Obviously we've learned the reasons for the lies don't really matter." She says sitting up hugging her knees to her chest.

"Are you cold?" I ask getting up and grabbing her towel and robe.

She smiles at me. Even this small smile comforts me. Knowing she had a shitty day and I can still make her smile makes me want to puff out my chest and stand taller.

"Thank you." She says draining the tub and standing taking the towel from me drying herself and stepping out into the robe I have open for her.

"I was or am angry at Lil because she knew better than to drink and drive. She had so many people she could have called and anyone of them would have dropped everything for her. Hell the amount of money the family has she could have ordered a car service to drive her around for a night of partying yet her choice was to hurt the entire family." I grit out taking a step back and doing some calming breaths.

"Bash could have done the same that night. He deserves some of that anger too Liam." She says softly.

"Yes and no. When Lil made her mind up she was unmoveable. He could have just went behind her back but that was his heart outside his body. He was whipped." I laugh out.

I see Lexi wince before relaxing her face and whispering, "Would you have allowed that if it was us?"

Taking a minute to think that over I look into her eyes and say, "No. I know that if I told you my fears of your safety you would try hard to listen to me and respect my wishes. How much did you fight going for a run all day today?"

"Doesn't the bleach smell that is saturated in this house show how hard I tried?" She smirks.

Smiling at her before I pull her into my arms I lean down leaving room between our faces I whisper, "Perfect for me. My heart outside my body wouldn't put herself in danger against my fears."

The way her eyes fill with love calms the anger from talking about Lil's final choice. She stands on her toes and kisses me. I grab her ass and lift her up so I can stand tall with her in my arms.

Ending the kiss and lowering her until her feet are flat on the floor I release her and take a step back. "I'm going to heat dinner come down when you're ready. I'm thinking dinner on the back porch sounds good?"

"Sounds perfect. Thank you." She says while a blush tints her cheeks.

I leave her alone to get dressed, making my way down to the kitchen I see a golf cart making it's way up the drive I hang my head. The last thing Lexi needs is another unexpected visitor. I go to the front porch when I see it's Tommy.

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