You don't want to be seen even if you always make a scene.
You can't shy away even when you try to stay behind.
You're beautiful.
You can not hide that.
They all take notice.
Underneath the face you paint each day, you're rot and decay.
They don't mind as long as they can have a bite of your pretty cake and a drink of your sweet lemonade.
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When they only notice you for what they want to get from you. Inspired by the term pretty privilege and how it can have both good and bad advantages.
"Underneath the face, you paint each day, your rot and decay" just means covering the pain. Mental health struggle that is repeatedly ignored.
Life Beneath The Words At Play
PoetryMy poetry is only to fill blank pages. You decide how to color it in. That meaning, you can interpret the poems the way you want. I only put the words together, and you decide the rest :) Yet another poem dump for my unorganized mess that is my poe...