Love me.
Now keep loving me.
Don't ever stop.
Remember me from the past.
I'm still loving you in my present time, even if you've got gray hairs and fine lines.
Love you for who you are inside.
I'll always love you for who I am learning to be with all of my flaws and mistakes.
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Warning: Rambling
Learning to love yourself and keeping that love forever. I started learning to first love myself a few years ago, and oh my gosh, it has been quite the bumby road, but if I could change anything, I would never. Sometimes, I feel low, like I'm dumb and worthless to the world, but then I look at my accomplishments and how much I've not only done for others but also myself. How strong I am to have gotten myself to the place I am now. I had to unlearn slowly what it is to live and how to love unconditionally. It has been one of, if not, the best thing that I have done I my lifetime as of now. All because of a woman who was trying to advertise a Dale Carnegie course. All I heard was that she looked I the mirror and said I love me, and I was blown away. I hadn't quite thought that maybe you shouldn't look I the mirror and think about how ugly, stupid, and worthless you are and maybe try thinking the opposite way. You are going yo have to live with that person for your whole life, you'll have to go though the same shit, the same people, and you'll either be their worst enemy or your own best friend. It all depends on how you want to look at yourself I the mirror, the only person you can truly change.
I tend to forget myself a little and ramble too much when talking about things I'm passionate about(this being mental health and its importance). Hope you have a good day tomorrow and the day after that.
Life Beneath The Words At Play
PuisiMy poetry is only to fill blank pages. You decide how to color it in. That meaning, you can interpret the poems the way you want. I only put the words together, and you decide the rest :) Yet another poem dump for my unorganized mess that is my poe...