We all run into the hospital as Vaughn's holds his mother who was bawling her eyes out.I had cried in Olivia arms on the way here.A car accident only 10 minutes away from their house.
Me and Vaughn drove after him and we thought we wouldn't be able to caught him.But we saw his Porsche go up into flames.
I thought he was in it.I thought the love of my life had died in that instance.
But he had crawled out away from the blast and we were able to call 911.
"banks Carrington Jr"Mr.Carrington says."Ahh yes.He is currently in our psych ward".
"I'm sorry?"."The doctor will provide more information.Please let me summon him".
She grabs the phone and calls up as Vaughn narrows his eyes."My brother isn't crazy"."Hmm well"Olivia says causally.
We all glare at her and she holds her hand up defensively."He will be fine,Mia"Jaiden says putting her hand on my shoulder.
I nod my head and wait.15 minutes later the doctor takes us upstairs to the psych ward and takes us to a private waiting room.
"Why is he in here?"."I believe something triggered Banks to have a mental breakdown.We don't know what it was but it is reminded me something I see in a certain kind of patient".
"And that is?"Mrs.Carrington asks.He looks at us and says "Child abuse".
He stares at Banks parents and they both glare at him."I never landed a single hand on my son".
"If not you then who did"."Reese Hansen"I say.
They all look at me and his parents eyes widen."He taught Banks when he was younger.Youre telling me he physically abused my son?".
The doctor shakes his head and says "I believe it was mental abuse.But something he did was sexual".
Ive never seen Mr.Carrington face turn so angry."Your telling me that piece of shit abused my fucking son!".
Mrs Carrington grabs her husbands hand and says "Relax Knox.If we come in Banks room like this it won't be well".
He nods his head and says"Your right.I will deal with Reese later.Can we see him?".
He nods and says "Banks seems to have calmed down.He was throwing punches at the staff before we tied him up.But it was simply that he didn't want to be touched so we went contactless".
He leads us to his room and knocks on the door."Banks?Your family is here".
Theres no answer as he opens the door.Banks was awake but his head was turned the other way.
The doctors leaves us for privacy and shuts the door.We he was strapped up to the hospital bed but he looked calm.
"Son?"Mr.Carrington asks cautiously."Fuck off".
His voice was different more emotional yet cold.Mr.Carrington presses his lips together as his mum steps up."Banks hunny Mia here with us".
At my name he slowly turns to us.He had a couple of cuts and bruises on his face.His blonde hair was going every which way.
"Why are you here?"He asks."Because I'm worried about you".
He looks away and says "My grandmother pulled me out".
We all stand there frozen as he continues."I know it was a figment of my imagination but She told me that it wasn't my time to come there yet and pulled me out the car".
"That's-"."-I wish she hadnt"he says coldly.
"W-what?"Vaughn says."I should've died in that car. I WANTED TO DIE in that car".
"Don't say that"I say softly.
He looks away and says "You deserve better than me,Mia.Move on".
I glare at him and walk over to him."Look at me".
He continues to look away and when I grab his face.forcing him to."I'm not leaving you,Banks.You want me well now you have me.I don't care what I deserve I want you.Ive always wanted you"."But Diego-".
"-Isn't you.And he won't ever be you,you understand that??".
His eyes start to water and my heart starts to break."I'm sorry.Im so sorry"he says softly.
My eyes widen as he hugs me tightly."I'm sorry I had sex with you like that.Im sorry,Baby.Im so sorry".
My eyes water and I kiss his forehead."Hey it's okay.Its okay-".
"-No it's not! He told me ..he told me that I should always do that to woman.H-he made me".
His mum steps up and for the first time I've meet Jade Carrington she had a cold look in her eyes.
"What did he do to you,Sweetheart.Me and your father will make him pay".
"Your mother is right.I'll fuck him up".
Banks holds his head down and I pull his chin up."If you aren't ready to share we will be waiting and waiting for however long you need,Preppy.I mean it".
Banks pauses and nods his head."Well as long as you're okay-"."-She sexually assaulted me".
My eyes widen as Vaughn eyes go wide."He took me to his house,forced me to watch them have sex and then tell me do the same thing"."Is that where-".
"-She took my virginity.I agreed because he told me it was what a man does.And I wanted to become a man so I could protect you two".
Mr.Carrington looks at his son sadly and says"Banks...".
"But then it hurt and I told her to stop but she didn't"."Baby"I say softly.
He looks away and says "I must've been so traumatized that I locked it in my head.I pushed it deep down so I could forget.And hearing her voice and seeing her was enough for that lock to break and remind me everything that happened".
"I will make him pay,Banks.I swear to you I will"His father says putting his hand on his shoulder.
Banks nods his head as Vaughn looks at him."Does your body feel okay?".
Banks nods his head and Vaughn sighs in relief."Good".
All of a sudden he hits Banks shoulder and Banks hisses."What the fuck!".
"Do you know you could've died!Me and Mia chased after you sped away.We saw your car blow up and we thought you were in it!Dont scare us like that again doofus".
I glare at Banks and nod my head. "I'm sorry".
I kiss his forehead and say "Just don't do it again.I'd hate to kick your ass".
I glance at Mrs.Carrington and says "If you let me".
She laughs and says "Oh I understand that some Carrington's need a good head slam".
Mr.Carrington blushes before shaking his head."We are going to talk to the doctor.We will be back".
They both leave as Vaughn pulls a chair up for me and him."You don't have to stay"Banks says to him.
"I want to".Banks eyes widen slightly as he nods.

RomanceBANKS Break for me,Mia. Break in pieces so I can see how your were perfectly sculpted.Break into piece so I see how you work and built myself so I can be great for you. Break into pieces so I see the real you that no one knows about. Break into piec...