Banks didn't let me go on the way to the apartment.Not even for a second.I had Luisa drive my car while I sat in the backseat with him.He had his head in my shoulder as I held his hand.Why. Does this keep happened.Every-time we are in a good place some bullshit happened and it forced us to distance ourselves.
Luisa pulls in a parking spot and we get out.I had Banks grab a few of his stuff while he stayed over here.
Me and Luisa would bring it up to Victor that it was time for Banks to start condo shopping.And part of me felt like it was going to be me moving in with him.
Luisa hands Chaos to Banks as he holds the sleeping kitten in his arms."I will see you in morning you two".
We both nod as she shuts her door.I walk Banks over to my room and he looks around.
I guess this is the first time that he's been in here.Its also his place that we hang out.
He slowly sits down in the bed and glances down at Chaos.I walk over and bend down in front of him.
"Do you want to talk?Or we can just go to sleep".
He smushes his eyebrow and says "I...I don't know why this keeps happening to me.Right..right when I'm happy.In happy with you and this..this always happens".
i tilt my head and say "You don't think this is a sig-".
He gives me the coldest glare that quickly shuts me up."Never.Ill defy fate to be with you,Mia.I don't care.You are my future".
I smile softly at him and press a soft kiss to his lips."I know.Youre my future too,Banks.You need to get some rest.The shower is right there"I say.
He walk over to the bathroom and shuts the door and I sigh.The fact this keeps happening to him.Its pissing me off.
He finishes taking a shower and I watch as he slowly walks over to the bed.I knew he had cried.His pretty green eyes were red and puffy.
"Preppy"I whisper.He glances at me as I hold my hands out.
He automatically cuddles up to me and I kiss his shoulder."I love you"."I love you too"he whispers.
I smile softly before closing my eyes.
"She was arrested.Apparently she had a hotel here for the past two weeks"Victor says.
"So the second she found out that Banks was staying here for the time being she started stalking him"Luisa asks.
He nods his head and the police officer clenches his teeth."Trust me her bond is set pretty high.And a restraining order has been place in her as well.As there anything else we can do for you.Mr.Carrington?".
Banks shakes his head and the officer stands up and says"Alright I'm gong to go take the paperwork down and you are free to leave after that".
He walks away and Luisa looks at Banks."You haven't said a single word since we left the apartment".
Banks shrugs as I glance at him."Tell me how you feel?"I ask.
"Weirded out.Terrified that if you hadn't gotten there-"."-I will always protect you just like you always protect me"I say seriously.
I lean back and say"She better be lucky making sure you were okay was my priority.Because if not I would've beat her ass touching what's mine".
He tilts his head and I smirk."I know youve done way more than you let on for me Preppy.So-".
I cup his face and press my forehead against his."-I'll do anything to protect you.Even if that means using my mastery fighting arts to kick a bitches ass".
My eyes soften as a genuine smile appears on his face as he laughs softly."Thank you,Little monster"."Anything for you.now it moves l us the next thing".
"Living accommodations.He cant stay at the hotel anymore.We shouldn't start looking for a condo or apartment for him"Victor says.
I nod in agreement as Luisa smirks."Until the meantime,you can stay at me and Mia's apartment.Of course I'd like you to keep the sex to a minimum...at least when I'm there".
"We wouldn't dare to have it while you are home,L".
Banks squishes his eyebrows together and says "Speak for yourself".
I hit his shoulder and say"Do you not have any self control?"."Around you?No".
I shake my head and Victor pulls his phone out."I will start looking at places and touring them before I bring it to Banks attention.His safety is my utmost importance"."For my father?"Banks asks.
Victor rolls his eyes and ruffles Banks blonde hair."For you moron.Im grown to like your conceited ass"."Wow badmouthing your athlete.Fired immediately"Banks jokes.
"I want my check first".
Banks glares at him and I smile softly.The officer comes back and gives us some finish papers before sending us on our way.We walk out of the station and I could already see paparazzi showing up.
"Come on.Lets take my car.I can drop you all off at the office as well"Victor says.
We all get his Mercedes."Damn how much is my father paying you?"Banks asks."Pretty well actually.Though it's never enough.Tell him to give me a raise".
"Do something that deserves said raise"."Haha really funny".
Luisa chuckles and points to the both of them."I really do like the relationship you two have.Most clients and athletes are always at odds with each other.None of them have a relationship like you two".
Banks shrugs and says "Victor understands me.Or at least understands my obsession with perfection.We share the same obsession".
Victor nods and says "Banks might be an annoying brat but he is resourceful.And he always gets the things I ask done in a timely matter.It was easy for the both of us to come together and respect each other".
I pat Banks shoulder and say "Don't lose that.Having a good relationship with your agent is essential to your futbol career".
Banks rolls his eyes playfully and says"Don't worry Mia.This German prick is not going anywhere"."Wow you make me feel so loved".
Banks puts a hand over his heart and says "You know how I feel".
"Are you girls hungry at all?I can stop by and get you something?"."No.No.Its fine.Besides we have a meeting at 1 so this helps us out".
Luisa nods her head and says "I think that this meeting will be boring as shit but at least I have my bestie with me".
I give her a side hug as Banks rolls his eyes."What are you going to do for the rest of the day.Eat like shit and bother your brother?".
He daggers my keys in his hand and says "Well now that I have keys to your place I'm just going to find your secrets"."You can try but none of it is hitting there,Preppy".

RomanceBANKS Break for me,Mia. Break in pieces so I can see how your were perfectly sculpted.Break into piece so I see how you work and built myself so I can be great for you. Break into pieces so I see the real you that no one knows about. Break into piec...