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They call this place Fashion city.

It's known for its designer brands and fashion weeks.But when you step inside Milan it's something much deeper.


Theres so much history in this city that people over look it for its fashion.I told Mia I was going to be in my best behavior and that's exactly what I was going to do.

......After I found out what she was doing.So did I follow her to a fancy restaurant?Yes
Yes I did.

I put on a hoodie and sweatpants but I'm sure my 6'6 height gave me away as an athlete.

Everyone was looking at me as I walked.I stop at the restaurant and look inside the windows.

She was wearing the exact same dress she left in.She waist over to a table with two guys and two girls.

It was late. a quarter till 10 to exact.

Why was she out so late?
And who were they?
Her friends?
Her found family she made in Milan?

I watch as she greets each other of them before sitting down at the table.

She was happy laughing and smiling with each one of them.Would I ruin that?Would I break her constant?

I thought I wanted to bulldoze into her life and claim her as mine.But the last thing I wanted was to break her happiness..her constant.

I made an act with her..these past five years has been utter misery.My need for chaos drifted away the older I got.And misery had quickly settled in.

I watched everyone grown up.

I watched my brother start a family with the love of his life.

I watch Jasmine and Naomi travel the world together

I watched Zoe and Olivia display their love through a crazy proposal right into of college.

I watched Jaiden and Clay have a grand wedding in Poland and move back to London.

Everyone was moving on while I was just..constant.The same thing happening over and over and over.

It was sickening.
I love futbol I do but I feared that my love for it was diminishing.So I made a life decision to move away to Italy.It was just for Mia but a change in scenery.

Because if not I felt I would die of boredom...of living through the norm.

My thought are over thrown but a soft meow.I look down to see a tiny kitten scratching at my feet.

I smirk softly and bend down."It looks like you were abandoned huh?".

The tiny black kitten looked to maybe be around 4months at least."All alone in streets Milan are you?".

The kitten tilts its head and before meowing again."Im alone in the streets of Milan too..Maybe we can be each others company?".

I hold my hand out and kitten purrs before putting their paw in my hand.I smile softly and pick it up."Well I guess I will call you,Chaos.And how about we be each others family?".

The kitten puts his head against my shoulder and I smile."Alright.Well Chaos.I guess it looks like you and me are about to be best friends".

I bid one last look to Mia before walking back to my hotel.

the next morning
"Thanks for coming with me to get him,Luisa"."Uh yea it was definitely an excuse to see that beauty up close".

I roll my eyes and walk into the hotel.I walk over to the front desk and smile."Good morning Emilio.Was our special guest good?".

He raises his eyebrow and says "He came back from a walk with a kitten".

I tilt my head bad says "Im sorry what"."It seems he was emotionally attached to it.We don't particularly have a policy against pets but we do like to know a head of time.He asked us to order pet food for the kitten and other resources last night".

"I am sorry for this".Emilio smiles and says " I would have a problem with it..well our boss would have a problem with it.But Mr.Carrington looked like a complete softie for the kitten".

"That hottie with a kitten in his hand??Mia tell me you are getting back with him because if not I'll have to take him".

I roll my eyes and says "Thank you for the heads up Emilio".

He hands me the key for the room and I walk over to the elevator.We get in and I could feel Luisa eyes on me."Not a word".

"What?!?!Come on you are telling me didn't gush a little for that!?That could be a story!First day in Milan Banks Carrington adopts abandoned cat!".

I shake my head as it open and I walk out .I walk over to his apartment and unlock the door before walking.

"Carrington!Get out here!".

I look around to see the place had already become a mess with toys everywhere.We walk into the bedroom and my eyes narrow.

Banks was sleeping under the covers peacefully.I grab a pillow and wack him in the head.He jets up drooling and looking around.


"Of course you are asleep and not ready.Get up.Your meeting is in 40 minutes".

He frowns before looking around."Chaos!"He calls out.

He gets out of the bed and turns his back to me.I look at his sculpted back and his tattoos.

"Is that my name in Italian?"I ask.

He turns around and raises his eyebrow."I have your name in Italian,French and English on me,Little monster".

His eyes darken as I gulp.His stare was completely turning me on right now.

"Are looking for this guy?"Luisa says coming in.

She was holding a black kitten the size of both her hands.Banks smiles and says "Hey Chaos!".

The kitten jumps onto him and Banks chuckles."Aww I missed you too little guy".

"Any reason you adopted a kitten the first night you are here?"I ask."It was cute..and reminded me of myself.I can keep it right".

He pauses and says "ooh wait I don't care what you say.Im going to keep it".

I narrow my eyes and say"So why would you ask me jackass"."Just wanted to tell you that I didn't care in your face"He snaps back.

He glare at each other as Luisa chuckles."You two are cute.How about I take care of Chaos while you two go to the meeting.He will be at our apartment".

Banks narrows his eyes and says"If something happens to my kitten-".

"-Nothing will happen to him.I love cats".

Banks frowns and I point to the bathroom."Come on.Go get ready".

Banks groans but turns around and walking into the bathroom.Luisa looks at me amused and says "Oh you got him wrapped around your finger".

"Will you shut up"I joke.

BREAK 4 ME (CARRINGTON DIARIES 5)( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now