A month later
The whole reason for me doing a flight during graduation was so that I didn't have to go through this whole sappy shit if telling someone that I'm going to miss with my whole heart good bye.It was the whole reason why I told Banks at the last minute.Because the second he would've begged me to stay,I would've given in and stayed with him.
But it isn't Banks story,It's mine.And as much as I love and adore him,I need to start my own dream.You known what they say,Dreams over a man.
Either way I didn't expect my Cuban best friend to say fuck watching the graduation to see me off.And I didn't expect Zoe to be the one to drive if to the airport but hey..you leave new things everyday.
I already had the heart to heart with my mama so all that was left was Banks.And well..I'll get to him later.
"God dammit Olivia!Stop pulling back.I have a fucking plane to catch!".
I see that I made the mistake of asking her to take me to the airport.In a couple of hours I would be in my new life in Milan.
But of course Olivia is dragging me back.And she's doing it quite literally right now.And it's causing a scene."Olivia!Get off me puta!".
"Don't leaveee meeee pleaseee.I love you!".
"I love you too.But get the fuck off me!I don't get refunds for this plane ride!!?"I hiss out.
She lets go and I sigh in relief."Promise me you will text me when you get in.And promise me that you will FaceTime me everyday so we never forget about each other".
I roll my eyes playfully and say "Like I could ever forget about your clingy ass".
She glares and says "Bitch"."Right back at you".
She shakes her head and says "I cant believe that me,Banks and Zoe are the only ones staying in London".
Right after the graduation today,Vaughn and Lake are flying to Japan to see Lakes mother.
Lake is two months now and newsflash they are having fucking triplets so...good luck Vaughn.
We don't know the genders because they are not telling us.I have to fly in next month to be there at their gender reveal party so that will be fun.
Vaughn really went from being childless to three kids his first try.Banks was right...his pull out game really is shit.
Banks..Right I haven't even talked to him.
I mean he sent me a text this morning saying goodbye and to be safe but that was it.Olivia looks at her phone and lets me go.
"Fine.Leave then"."What?You are the most bi-polar bitch I've met".
"Yet you love me"."I do love you.And I will call you when I get off the plane".
"You better.My girlfriend is rich so I will fly to Milan just to kick your ass Puta".
I glare at her playfully before giving her one last hug."Be safe Liv"."You too M".
She kisses my cheek before I move back."Oh no.Don't you fucking cry.Because then you're going to make me cry okay?".
I nod my head and grab my suitcases.The rest of my stuff is being shipped over there free of charge.
With one last wave and walk over to the gate and scan him my ticket.My flight was in an hour so I use this time to relax.I sit down in the waiting room and collapse in the seats in exhaustion.
Rushing to pack everything has been insane and well..I definitely will be going to sleep on this plane ride.I set my head back and close my eyes.
I feel someone sit beside and sigh in exhaustion."I know that feeling"I say.
When they don't respond and I open my eyes and turn my head.
"I can't believe you actually thought I wouldn't see you off".
My eyes widen when they pull their hood off and blonde soft curls appear.
Banks stares at me in annoyance and I gasp."What are you doing here.You need a ticket to get here.How are you-".
"-I bought that ticket the same day I found out you were leaving the day of our graduation".
My eyes start to water as he cups my face.He wipes my tears and smiles softly."Did you really think I wouldn't see the love of my life off?".
"Banks"I say softly.
He smiles brightly and says "Be great,Mia.And kick ass in Milan.Because you are the most hardworking,determined person I've met".
I start crying before hugging him tightly.He rubs my back and says"Hey this will be a see you later remember.Because the next time you aren't leaving me,Mia.Im putting a big fat diamond on your finger and you will be my wife".
I sigh in relief as he moves back.He cups my face and says "Be sure to send me pictures and videos all about Milan.And even text me how your day is going.And what foods you got to try.Or even the drama between your co-workers".
I laugh softly as he smiles."I'll read every single one of them.Even if I don't respond Mia.I see them"."Promise".
"i swear to you, little monster".
"Now accepting boarding for flight 251.Now accepting boarding for flight 251 From London to Milan".
I stand up and look at him."That's me".He smiles and I see his eyes start to water.
"I love you,Mia Garcia-Campbell".
My eyes widen as he smirks."You really think I wouldn't know?I know everything about you,Little monster.I'll protect you until I can't anymore.Be safe there".
I nod my head as he kisses my forehead."I love you too,Banks.So fucking much".
He smiles brightly and says "You won,Little monster.You broke me.Now you have to pick the pieces.Because everything I have is yours".
I nod my head and say "I'll be back for what's mine,Carrington".
He smirks devilishly and says "I look forward to it,Little monster".
He pulls me in a breathtaking kiss.I felt everything; desperation, love, lust, need, and sadness.
And it hit me like a towering of waves.I felt everything that Banks was feeling in that moment.
He breaks the kiss slowly and sighs."Leave,Little monster.Before I grab you by the waist and take you back"he whispers sadly.
I nod my head giving him one last kiss before grabbing my bags.I go up to the desk and scan the ticket in before turning my head.The last thing I see before I walk away?
Banks Carrington Jr giving me the brightest smile with tears rolling down his face.
'I love you'he mouths.
'I love you too'.I hold my head high as I walk t through the gate saying good bye to my old life in London and a hello to my new life in Italy.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::That's the end of BREAK 4 Me part one!
The next chapters will include POV's from multiple character as well as a 5 year time jump.
You see Mia hitting the ground hard in her job at Havas Marking Agency.

RomanceBANKS Break for me,Mia. Break in pieces so I can see how your were perfectly sculpted.Break into piece so I see how you work and built myself so I can be great for you. Break into pieces so I see the real you that no one knows about. Break into piec...